For those of you who've said you're interested but inexperienced at Dwarf Fortress, how are you getting on with the tutorials?
I suggest, at the very least, making good progress (end of Part 9, I think) on the
newbie tutorial even though it is for an older version; the base is still largely the same. The military has changed quite a bit, but the
video tutorials that PsiSoldier linked should help (all of) us figure that stuff out.
In terms of format, I'm going to take the first turn, which will include choosing the embark equipment and site. I'll try to get some magma in there, though I think that deep mining will now always find magma eventually (someone verify this for me?).
I'll get people to verify they are playing and then draw the rest of the names out of a hat to determine an order. Or maybe just do it so that those who sign up first (in the official sign up thread (yet to be created)) get to play earlier. Chaos is to be expected and there's a benefit to having more experienced players pick up later years.
If there are "too many" players there's a risk that later sessions don't get to play as we may have wiped out the fortress by then. If that happens, and reverting to an older save doesn't look like the answer, I'll launch a new fortress and we'll start a new story starting with the next player in the line of succession. Have to see what happens, I guess.
Deliberately flooding the fortress with magma may result in a sound spanking. And bees. Phear the bees.