Dwarf Fortress Succession Game - call for interest

Would you like to play in a THN Dwarf Fortress Succession Game?

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Ronin Storm

Staff member
Toady has just released 0.31.15. This resolves a few issues, including one that would have made our game potentially quite boring: no invasions. I'm hanging on for the DFG update to .15 and then I'll get us set up for the game.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
It went to .16 and then I was hoping that the Mayday set would be updated. There's an unofficial but I've not had chance to try it out yet. This week is looking fairly hectic so hang in there.


Staff member
I've been messing with .16 via patching Mayday in manually. It seems to be working ok, and dwarf therapist 0.6.4 seems to support it without any modifications.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Yeah, I've been tied up looking for somewhere permanent to live. Not had chance to check out the unofficial .16 Mayday update yet, which is what I wanted to do before taking official sign-ups.


Staff member
Yep, no worries. I'll vouch for .16 + mayday being stable. Only issue I've run into is the inability to make crystal glass (and a cheeky noble mandating crystal glass items.) A little annoying, yes, but that sort of thing will only add to the fun of a group game.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Ah, thanks D. That's very helpful. Depending on house-hunting, I will try to get a sign-up thread sorted for this weekend.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

How's the house-hunting, Ronin? :)

Anyway, just trying to keep the thread on the front page, here. :D


Ronin Storm

Staff member
House hunting is done. Moving in is yet to be done. I really don't see me getting this started until after that, now. I suggest we revisit at end of November for an early December start.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

I suppose we're pretty much getting into "end of November" territory... :D

In seriousness, this is not pressure, it's just to keep the thread semi-alive and on the front page... :rolleyes:


Ronin Storm

Staff member
Yep, bump duly noted. Starting to get to territory where I can actually think about this. Let's see how I do through this week; may be about to slam dunk some contract work...


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

I find that a post in a given thread every two weeks or so does wonders for keeping said thread in the first page... ;)


Ronin Storm

Staff member
Ha, good point. Right, I'm in a better place for this now. I'll open up the sign-up thread today or tomorrow and aim to be kicking off around Saturday 18 December.

I'll post the version of DF that we should use on here and I'll also need to make a group here with permissions and quota sufficient to allow uploading of DF saves.

As a by the by, does anyone know how to export a map of a DF game at various different points? Manual is fine.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Ah, mucho gracias senor D.

And yeah, happy enough with a reliable external solution. Just figured I'd keep it on the board, but I don't think it can get much simpler than ge.tt.


Active Member
Oh man, I'd forgotten all about this, I should finish my last essay by Thursday so will have 9 days to learn how to play Dwarf Fortress, is that enough or will my lack of skills prohibit me from joining in? :P

Ronin Storm

Staff member
No, lack of skills will not prevent entry. However, I would suggest you take a slot in the first few years so that it's not totally insane. Or a slot later on to give you more time to practice.

Remember: this is a succession game so only one of us is playing (officially) at once.


Active Member
Huzzah! Yeah, I'm happy to be put in whatever slot you think is best, what sort of time-limit are we going to have? My girlfriend arrives from Uruguay on the 19th so I might be. . . busy for a few days, but we can figure that out when a sign-up thread appears!

I'll ask one of my friends to coach me possibly. *strokes his chin*

Ronin Storm

Staff member
We'll each have a week to do a year of play. Shouldn't take more than two to four hours, possibly a bit longer if you spend time on writing it up or detailed planning.