Global Agenda

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Global Agenda smells like a bit of a cross between Planetside and Tribes 2. Eurogamer have a couple of videos showing it off:

Not much else to see yet, except that it's a PC game.

I saw some vehicles, jet packs, equipment customisation and plenty of run and gun. Smells like some RPG elements in there too but I'm not entirely sure.

Could be interesting. I enjoyed Planetside.


Well-Known Member
This is going to be released on steam, and from what I gather it seems like it's going to be something similar to EVE in the sense you'll have agencies warring or allying against eachother for regions and technology.

Sounds like it could be awesome.


Active Member
What the heck does 4chan have to do with this game?

Aaanyway, it looks pretty cool, I'd probably give it a shot :)


In Cryo Sleep
after watching the dev vid, i its a bit... giant enemy crabs... know what i mean, its deff asking for a remix meme


In Cryo Sleep
Im sure people who have played eve will understand

I think giant global player made empires/parties/guilds can really ruin online games due to drama, politics, and in the case of 4 chan and there ilks global mentality - excessive griefing

Especially if this is a single server based MMOFPS

nice idea, but to get any real personal mileage from it means joining the multilegged super corps who will (due to darwinnian survival) be outfitted with a bunch of over serious megalomaniacal dickholes who will bark orders at me as the cog in the machine that i will likely become.

I believe nannums and myself have regularly expressed not wanting to play in the haven wow guild due to the staggering militarisation and Impersonality, that and wow gets very dull very fast, and eats my valueable university work time :P

Personally the level of MMOFPS "teamwork" peaked in BF2 where as a collective group you could pretty much dominate and have fun whilst not ruining the game for everyone else. Games like project reality enhanced this, though falling flat when realising that most gamers are not Disciplined enough to truly make the experience enjoyable, especially when the game becomes arse violatingly frustrating and the only way they can think of to replicate realism boils down to waiting alot.

And besides this we dont even know if it will play well, Personally i felt like planetside was an incredibly pointless endeavor, where through process of elimination the only way i managed to kill anyone was by putting all my pity points (demo) into light tanks. It was just not a very good shooter. And from watching the clunky strafing and 3rd person angles of those videos, i have very little reason to believe that this will become a very good game, and righteous certainty that your sarcasm is only a defence of your wishful thinking.

Aha take that, all you hype lovers!


Well-Known Member
Im sure people who have played eve will understand

I think giant global player made empires/parties/guilds can really ruin online games due to drama, politics, and in the case of 4 chan and there ilks global mentality - excessive griefing

Aren't you thinking of SomethingAwful or does 4chan have one too?

I believe nannums and myself have regularly expressed not wanting to play in the haven wow guild due to the staggering militarisation and Impersonality, that and wow gets very dull very fast, and eats my valueable university work time :P

I don't recall ever saying militarisation or impersonality in the context of WoW? I remember saying WoW doesn't really interest me because after having been in TS for some raids (whilst not taking part) it doesn't quite seem like an environment I can see myself having fun in.


In Cryo Sleep
But thats exactly what i mean, corporational achievement will take priority over personal fun, and leads to faceless player masses led by complete dicks. The idea being that corporation achievement IS the fun, but if you dont feel a connection to the community in the firstplace (being an antisocial heaving faceless mass) then that joy rings very hollow.

Its still early days. But the likelyhood of me being able to enjoy the games features with a small bunch of friends is very unlikely. And player leveling will just add to the misery.

The core problem apart from corporations imo is the fact that the MMOFPS is a very hard breed to pull off and has imo never really been achieved. Your taking two contradicting game mechanics and smushing them together. One is success through trail and mechanical advantage (stat bonuses and leveling systems) and the other is much more tactical, twitch based, relying mostly on the players management of current events and hand to eye coordination.

Incredibly sceptical, but (and i cant believe im saying this) i hope im wrong :P

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I have an impression that this is a game of three levels:

  • Personal - combat is partly (largely?) twitch so shooter skillz make for better personal achievement, giving more XP (or whatever) to pay for higher versatility (rather than more power).
  • Squad - looks to me like you could play squad games in these arenas as the matches seem to play much more like a standard FPS with a strategic layer over the top
  • Corporate - this is where the concern lies, I think, with the major game possibly being dominated by seriously hardcore 15 year olds with no social skills and far more time to put in individually than most of us can manage even as a group

As a game, this one could succeed for me at the Personal and Squad levels even if the Corporate level is "full".

... or I've misread the game?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Hmmm... It would behove me to clarify my :( above...

It was just a "it oddly perturbs me that you feel that way".

Although a lot of group stuffz go on in the WoW guild, I by no means consider it militarized, and if I did, I would fight it.

I just wanted to let you know that I am not taking the comment personally, and that curt reply was by no means an indication of actual sadness on my part. :)



In Cryo Sleep
As nannums before stated, a raiding environment is something i probably couldnt see myself having fun in, having myself been in 1 or 2 haven raids and witnessing.... antisocial behaviour, not only from our guild execs (which i suppose is fair play to a degree) but from people not even in our guild touched a close nerve. This may reflect raiding in its nature. But if we were to say that this is an FPS of "Raiding online" then equally the politics of that and attitudes from players would still be something i could see myself not enjoying, regardless of what playing style it latched its horrible little claws onto.

Edit: Also as an additional note (i didnt really answer your full curiosity there) As guilds get bigger there community actually gets damaged. From what ive seen the bigger your guild gets the more dickishness and self centred your players become. Wow had the advantage that small guilds (say 50 players) werent at a massive disadvantage, a guild could infact with its 50 players be equally as efficient at raiding as a guild with 200 players, however this would require a much larger amount of dedication on the smaller guilds part and an almost perfect raiding team build. This is as most experienced raiders will tell you very unlikely, so guilds will try to grow to get as many players of raiding quality possible. (im sorry if im preaching to the quire here zooggy, as im sure you know far more about wow than i do) However, in a game like Global Agenda or Gears of Planetside as i like to call it, Size appears to matter much more. As it effects the growth of your guilds combat effectiveness. This will lead to some truly Massive and thusly impersonal Corporations, with very little reward for players who play in small groups (sheer outnumbering by the behemoths). Which means that not only do the Big Corps get power very quickly, They are very likely to stay in power because the smaller corps cant hold facilities long enough to advance themselves. Of course this is all based on what we've been told, and the designers may have figured a neat way round this problem.

Ultimately serious results (corp prosperity) often result in serious play, and with serious play comes frayed nerves. Although it adds a nice level of depth to the gameplay itself, it also adds a large amount of things i wouldnt be willing to endure to shoot people in the face, and especially not for a monthly fee

Regardless i have signed up for the beta, and see if the actual game itself dosent play like a heap of crap. If i was ever to endure "Gears of Planetside" (you heard it here first ;)) corporational shittyness, id want some decent gameplay to reassure myself in.


Staff member
having myself been in 1 or 2 haven raids and witnessing.... antisocial behaviour, not only from our guild execs (which i suppose is fair play to a degree) but from people not even in our guild touched a close nerve.

Raiding is inherantly social and brings both positives and negatives with that depending on how it is managed, how you deal with the negatives says as much about your as a person as it does about those driving the negativity.

The bottom line is that there is more than just TheHaven to raid with should you feel that way about one particular subset of the gaming population. Writing off an entire gaming genre based on experiences with a subset is possibly missing the opportunities to meet social people more down your street elsewhere.

Ultimately serious results (corp prosperity) often result in serious play, and with serious play comes frayed nerves. Although it adds a nice level of depth to the gameplay itself, it also adds a large amount of things i wouldnt be willing to endure to shoot people in the face, and especially not for a monthly fee

There are times to "knuckle down" and there are times to chill and relax, all games have both elements to some extent and even being a "serious" gamer does not mean you do not flip between the two as the occassion demands.

Your comments feel a little set in stone and thats all I'm challenging here so take what you will from my feedback.

As to the game ... what were we talking about again? Feels like a thread on the merits/issues with MMO's :)