Name that game!!


Staff member
Ok, so I can't really post any more screenshots without making it painfully obvious even to people who have never heard of the game, so you get TEXT hints.

You're almost certainly familiar with the main character
The game takes place during world war 2
It's a brawler with some light gunplay


Staff member
Nope... I'll see what I can do about another screen tomorrow, or I'll just pick a new game. No point in making it so obvious that it's down to who looks at the thread first :p


Well-Known Member
Nope... I'll see what I can do about another screen tomorrow, or I'll just pick a new game. No point in making it so obvious that it's down to who looks at the thread first :p

Meh that doesn't matter.. if someone who has played the game gets it then that's just the way the cookie crumbles. I don't think I've played this one, I would surely recognise it from that shot.


Staff member
Nope. Ronin has the right idea I think, but it's not 007 (and we're not playing 20 questions) :p The main character is not normally this fancily dressed.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Nanor already mentioned the character.... but didn't say the name of the game me thinks :D

Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Finally got my butt in gear to reply to this thread :)

8 - thatbloke, BiG D
6 - Huung
5 - waterproofbob
4 - Silk, Velaphor, Ronin Storm, Zooggy
3 - Panda, Tempscire, Belegon, Nanor, Xylak,SgtFury
2 - ChuChu
1 - Psi, comrade_phil, Traxata,Pwnstar

Here's the next one :)


  • gtg 2.jpg
    gtg 2.jpg
    29.1 KB · Views: 24


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure it's Settlers but I've had to Google to guess a version.

Settlers III


Junior Administrator
Finally got my butt in gear to reply to this thread :)

8 - thatbloke, BiG D
6 - Huung
5 - waterproofbob
4 - Silk, Velaphor, Ronin Storm, Zooggy
3 - Panda, Tempscire, Belegon, Nanor, Xylak,SgtFury
2 - ChuChu
1 - Psi, comrade_phil, Traxata,Pwnstar

Here's the next one :)

Hmm that looks like Titan Quest, but then again, could be Two Towers... but the resolution of your image makes me think it's older than those two :P