I guess that makes this next one mine. Oh my.
Right, actually, apologies, this week is going south at a rate of knots. I need to hand this on to the next unfortunate overseer. D?
I guess that makes this next one mine. Oh my.
Saved the lives of an entire squad, who had been standing above the drawbridge for who knows how long and were about to starve.
Migrants. This won't end well...
Bridge is open, militia is at the ready. First squad of goblins rushing the fort is dealt with easily (including a couple goblins being hilariously kicked into the moat.) Then the second, third, fourth and fifth squads appear. Every dwarf for himself, I'm closing the bridge.
So a few casualties there. We're pretty much cut off from the outside world until we have some MUCH better training.
What in the hell? A squad of goblins is spotted in the stairway near the magma forge. How'd they get inside?
I'm getting the feeling that theres a goblin fort very very close by.
Oh If you're not on Jury Detail it's your turn thenI'd be happy with that! Hehe.