Panda with issues...
Well-Known Member
Bad weather last night, truely one sane would've gone out in it. Maybe he was hit by lightning?
I'd be glad to prevent me being the next one ending up in such a ... mess.
Uhm Mister Panda, I think if he had been hit by a lighning blast he'd surely be "well done" instead of what we can see here.
No this rather looks like he was mauled by a bunch of wild animals, just like Wilkins, my last customer, who was attacked by a pack of wolves while being in the nearby forrest.
Wolves would never be so brazen as to attack a person in the middle of town. And anyway, what about the shattered light eh? Lightning is the only feasible explanation. Maybe lightning hit the light, and he was hit by shards of flying shattered glass...
Its clearly some form of animal attack though. I mean look at those marks on his chest. What else would cause those parallel claw shaped marks?
after they started riding my cattle...
or they'd have dragged his carcass away for dinner...
Well well, a new customer for me, I suppose.
crematory and funeral office.
Still don't know why anyone would be out so late at night though on such a horrible day. Maybe he was up to something....
Or maybe he was working *with* the wolves to try and take us over? :-| I daren't even imagine.
murder, murder most foul!
Pandas don't know how to open doors except for smashing them in. Or do you want to suggest, that it was Mr. Panda who did this?
Maybe. He IS part panda...*Stares at him*
I think you're a lunatic, Mr. Gombol and that makes you very suspicious.