Poor elDiablo was murderes or, to use a better term, slain by a lunatic. He was dragged here from his bed and then eviscerated brutally. I strongly suggest we find the one who did this and hang him this evening, although I've already got someone in mind who could be the one we're looking for.
First he has scratches on his chest, and a tooth stuck in them, now he was eviscerated. In nature, evisceration is almost always done with paws, or claws or talons of some description. Never a jaw. And to top it all off, you've removed the evidence before everyone can have a good look at it. Far too swiftly I think. Very suspicious indeed. I suspect you either are the murderer, or a foul accomplice. Your story has more leaky holes than one of Madam Solemn's whores.
I put it to the group, that due to the past mild winter, not enough old folk in the village died to keep Mr. Dragon in his life of luxury, evidenced by the fact that that drunken old sot Captain Storm, and that ancient raving lunatic Gombol saw through the winter. Seriously, one of them can't even cut up his food, despite the fact that it solely consists of mouldering vegetables, with nary a tough piece of meet to be seen.
Mr Dragon was banking on them to kick the bucket in order to pay for the new oven he recently purchased in order to provide for this new fangled fad of cremation. Without those funerals he could no longer support himself, and has instead, resorted to murder most foul in order to keep his ailing business afloat.
He (and potential accomplices) killed poor innocent traveller el Diablo in a cold blooded, premeditated scheme, knowing that he wouldn't be missed, being an itinerant drifter. This had the secondary benefit of keeping the rest of the town alive, to potentially die later, giving a second 'windfall' of cash. This was an opportunity too good to pass up, as we don't get many people passing through here.
He had the added bonus, of being able to dispose of the body easily, and quickly, as the village undertaker, so he made a half-arsed attempt at feigning attack by a purported 'wild animal', with the knowledge that he could quickly dispose of the corpse. It was almost the perfect crime.
The lashing rain of last night though, would have made the corpse too damp to easily incinerate in that ludicrous little wood fired oven of his, and it is highly likely he would have failed to light it, instead, leaving poor el Diablo in the street, and feigning this ridiculous animal attack. - It is too late for you sir, Pan-Da the herdsman has seen right through you, and accuses Mr
Dragon of murder, murder most foul.
I suggest we lynch him now before any more of our families are found dead, and we have to pay his overly inflated funeral costs!