TWG - Haven Heath


Well-Known Member
The reason we distrust you, is that you simply accuse me and the only reason you do so is because "I wear strange clothes". Thats what makes you suspicious.


Well-Known Member
Which I summed up in what I just said. Oh and Ms. Solemn, do you still insist on not making ... house calls ... or better to say, your girls? Otherwise I'd had an alibi by now.


Junior Administrator

BAIT AND bugger me those are some 'oles he's got in 'im ain't they!
Whatever did that poor poor old elD he couldn'tuv done ought to stop 'em.

I've been listening to the banter from my shop, was having a kip on a very fine batch of lobworm that make for a rather excellent pillow if you like that sorta thing.

It seems to me that you are all for the most part a rather nasty accusatory lot and I know the sort. I may be one of the least professional bail bondsman in the business however it has led me to meet some rather unsavoury characters.

However it seems a vote is in order so I'll put a name in for purely democratic reasons. However my vote is actually going to the one person I know did not commit this terrible crime. I'm voting for myself, that's right I'm voting for bob. At this stage there is insufficient evidence of wrong doing on the part of any one person.

If there is a criminal in our midst which seems to be the case then we need to try and remain calm and be rational rather than getting all hot headed. You may claim that voting myself is irrational however I'd rather do that and seem some what mad rather than to insta-judge friends and neighbours and of course future clients.


Junior Administrator

BAIT AND bugger me those are some 'oles he's got in 'im ain't they!
Whatever did that poor poor old elD he couldn'tuv done ought to stop 'em.

I've been listening to the banter from my shop, was having a kip on a very fine batch of lobworm that make for a rather excellent pillow if you like that sorta thing.

It seems to me that you are all for the most part a rather nasty accusatory lot and I know the sort. I may be one of the least professional bail bondsman in the business however it has led me to meet some rather unsavoury characters.

However it seems a vote is in order so I'll put a name in for purely democratic reasons. However my vote is actually going to the one person I know did not commit this terrible crime. I'm voting for myself, that's right I'm voting for bob. At this stage there is insufficient evidence of wrong doing on the part of any one person.

If there is a criminal in our midst which seems to be the case then we need to try and remain calm and be rational rather than getting all hot headed. You may claim that voting myself is irrational however I'd rather do that and seem some what mad rather than to insta-judge friends and neighbours and of course future clients.
Ponders thoughtfully bob's points

"I agree with what you are saying, although people do appear to have given away motive already!, and so far the strongest motive has been for Dragon, with his interests in more work for him, where as the rest of us have unfortunately nothing to gain from it... This does seem very suspicious..."

Traxata votes for Traxata without more to go on.


Well-Known Member
However my vote stands and I'll be off to my office. If anybody wants to talk to me you'll have to wait till tomorrow.

*Dr. Agon wanders off to the local crematory.*


[desc]As the sun nears the horizon, the villagers clammer together, throwing accusations and insults at each other. With under half an hour until sunset, the townsfolk wonder where Drae and Xarl have been, and why they have yet to speak.[/desc]

Everyone except Xarlaxas and Drae (Children of the Damned) have voted. You have until 9pm BST (20 minutes from now) to change any votes if you wish. Xarl and Drae have that long to cast a vote. If they fail to vote today and tomorrow, they will be presumed missed in action (of some... sort...)


It is now NIGHT. Please do not post any more in this thread. End of day post to come soon.


[desc]As the sun sets, the villagers decide that Dr. Agon is the most likely suspect to have caused the brutal and horrendous murder of the much loved (and in no way in debt) elDiablo. They descend on the cemetery, where Dr. Agon was last seen. Like a plague of angry, angry locust they descend on him.

As arms tear of him from behind his desk, Dr. Agon screams, "It wasn't me you fools! Can't you see that Panda is the real threat?!".

But his shouts for mercy fall on deaf ears. As he struggles away from the pitfork and torch wielding mob (I mean, honesty, what self-respecting mob doesn't have pitchforks and torchs?), he knocks over vials of embalming fluids. Suddenly the air is filled is the stench of alcohol and chemicals, and it is no more than a few seconds before some of the fluid covered floor is aflame.

Running from Dr. Agon's office, the townsfolk scream and dash for their lives. Lookign back, Panda sees the form of the soon to be late doctor running from his office as well. He is running remarkably fast as well, probably due to the fact that his whole body is engulfed in flames.

"I know it was you!", he yells at Panda, right as the rest of his medical supplies (which are oh so volatile) ignite, blasting burning fluids all over the cemetery, and landing the charred remains of Dr. Agon in the center of the square for someone to dispose of.

But no one is around. All have fled to their homes. And thunderous clouds begin to form over the township, which will hopefully extinguish the burning remains of the cemetery.

As the last of the villagers close their doors, there is a horrendous hawl that echoes through the town square, and through every building.[/desc]

  • Dr. Agon (Dragon), the human has been lynched and is dead. His dying words were part of the story (which he helpful gave me in a PM, so kudos to him).
  • It is now NIGHT, so go to sleep.
  • No one should post in the thread until morning.
  • Morning will begin at 7am BST sharp! (ish).
  • Specials should send me a PM before morning tomorrow:
    • Wolves - Scream (at me in a PM) the name of the person(s) you wish to attack and feed on, if you have not already done so. If you each send a different name, you (I) will choose one randomly.
    • Seer - Pray to the gods (in a PM) and ask for their guidance on one of your fellow villagers if you have not already done so.
    • Guardian Angel - Begin your chant to the gods (in a PM...) on who you wish to protect tonight with your spectral essence, if you have not already done so.
  • Both Xarlaxas and Drae (Children of the Damned) failed to vote today. If they fail to vote tomorrow, they will be killed on in some ungodly (yet humane...) way.


[desc]As the sun rises after yet another night of heavy rain (which quickly put out the flames of the cemetery), everyone cautiously appears from their homes, and gather in the town square. Well, almost everyone.

"Where's Gombol?", someone yells.

Everyone turns to his house and sees the door has been shattered. Approaching the house, it is clear that there was a fight inside, and the bloody track leading from the door doesn't bode too well. The villager follow the track as it leads to the cemetery. As everyone gets there, they see Gombol impaled on some of the rafters of the old office building, which is barely standing.

As everyone rushs to see if he is ok, he leaves his head slightly and makes a gurgling noise. Though little blood is coming from his throat, several large gashes on his chest seem to be causing him some trouble. Gombol's head drops and he dies in silence. Everyone is taken back with the sight. Everyone is sickened.

And then, everyone is shocked. Shocked that Gombol seems to be glowing a blueish colour, and appears to be coming out of his own body. Which is really not a very usually sight for these poor townsfolk. The shimmering blue haze that is Gombol rises to the sky from his body. As it does so it says one final thing before it is out of earshot.[/desc]

  • Gombol the Guardian Angel is dead and is allowed one last dying breathe. But only one!
  • It is now day. Feel free to talk.
  • Day will end at around 9pm BST today. This depends on when I get home.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
My lord. I pressed to lynch Dr. Agon, yet the murders continue. What have I done? Though I was worried for my young family, I condemned an innocent man, and that sits heavy upon my soul.

Now we have been visited by another foul murder, and one that appears mystic in nature, by the looks of that haze that suurounded poor innocent madman gombol at his demise.

I don't know about the rest of you all, but I feel less safe this morning than even yesterday, more vulnerable. Yes the old man was a shield, an early, easy target for those who now cause deathly mischief in the village for us to hide behind, but I sense that perhaps he was protecting us in other ways too, even if he, himself was far beyond reasoning how.

Something that could kill one so favoured with spiritual strength as Old Gombol must be vile, vile indeed.

I fear for my family more than ever.


*In his last words, he manages to gasp 3 words and point* That..Bloke...Over... *And before he finishes his sentance, he goes limp, arms falling to the floor*


New Member
*rushes over to Gombol after hearing Panda's remorse*

Oh.... you old fool.... w-what have the done..


Junior Administrator
I see Mr. Panda's nefarious schemes are coming to fruition!

He has convinced most of you to destroy that which was here to PROTECT us... That mystical light from the old man Gombol was no fluke, I can assure you all of that.

I say we eliminate that which is trying to destroy this village from within.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Hand to his head, the rather hungover village bard, referring to himself as 'Dr Drae', stumbles out of a rather fine shack. Followed by three women.

"Solemn! How much do I owe yo-"

Spotting the body of Gombol, he balks.

"What the bejesus? Have I missed something?"


In Cryo Sleep
Gombol the Guardian Angel

O shi......

I knew there was something about that old guy that looked a bit out of the ordinary. But.... this? I couldn't have ever fathomed. :-(

Rest in peace old man.

we should be weary of his final words though. who was he pointing at?

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
After my horrifying false accusations of yesterday, I will not be party to bandying blame around so quickly today.

I can understand why that bloke over there feels how he does.


New Member
*smiles warmly at her favourite client*

ahhh Drae, darling, just the 5 golds pieces

*winks sly in Drea's direction*


Junior Administrator
Traxata wanders out of his Foresters hut to see the state of Old Man Gombol's House noticing the door and follows the other disdained villagers to what's left of Dr.Agon's offices.

"Oh, oh no... Old Man Gombol?! Who could have done such a thing! He was the only other person in our village that even remotely cared about the tree's... Not like Captain Storm... He's far to afraid that one of those Willows will become a Willow Manand come after him...!"

Traxata shakes his head at such a thought.

"Last night Panda was very quick at pointing fingers towards Dr.Agon who was completely Innocent! And Old Man Gombol's last words are something about thatbloke? This is all very worrying... Thatbloke what are you hiding?!"

Traxata goes and sits with his back against a Great Oak.