TWG - Haven Heath


New Member
Might I suggest marching your old crippled behind to the taven and ordering some of Sally's lovely rabbit stew.


Dun' do cone'! I'll 'ave to do ma own later then! *Starts to think 'bout where to buy some carrots*

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Yet if you insist on inspecting the tooth I'll invite anyone over to my crematory to have a look at it, as I removed it from the body before I cremated it.

Don't trust him people, he's trying to lull you into a false sense of security, or worse, lure you there to be killed. After years of dealing with death, is it so strange that he has become fascinated with it.

Mr. Panda seems to be turning the village around to his way of thinking, however I am not so easily swayed.

I simply put forward a logical argument. Logic is something we'll need to catch Dr. Agon's accomplice, for El Diablo was a large, swarthy man, and would have taken multiple assailants to subdue.

When looking for the accomplice, we have but to think carefully about who else has something to gain from El Diablo's death. - Who else, but that bloke over there, who was courting Trisha, until she was swept up by the novelty of a visitor to the village...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
"Claws, ye say. I be tellin' ye that fish people have no claws t'speak of an' this be the truth. So, if claws it be then somethin' clawed must 'ave been the death o' that traveller, whate'er 'is name were. An' claws is somethin' that beasts o'the night are well known to 'ave. So if it be claws and eatin' o' flesh I reckons we be stalked by a creature I 'eard tell o' in me time in the Americas. Wendigo, they called it. Part man, part demon, all terrifin' bad news!"

Captain Storm shivers, like someone just walked over his grave.

"An' if in declarin' that this Wendigo be among us I die then know this: Wendigo takes o'er a man and make 'im a monster and that monster could be right 'ere and we'd not know 'im from Adam. I'm watchin' fer ye, Wendigo. Watchin' an' waitin' and ready to beat ye wi' this 'ere cutlass."

He rattles his cutlass, likely rusted into its scabbard, and his eyes mist over with memory.

Suddenly, he blurts, "A strike, quick an' true, is what we need to save ourselves from the perils of Wendigo! Strike down the man, strike down the demon! I cannot say I know which one of ye is the demon, but seems to me that an undertaker is as like as not to be in thrall of demonspawn. Dr. Agon, I call ye a monster and demand ye prepare yerself!"


Well-Known Member
Of course Mr. Panda you talking about logic and then tell the people that I'll "lure" them to my crematory to single handedly kill the whole village? I think not!

But Mr. Bloke is right I think I have made a mistake in the beginning. It cannot have been that old fool Gombol, he's to busy trying to attract the ladys and doing some old people mumbo jumbo.

No Mr. Panda I strongly suggest its YOU who killed him. And now you make completely illogical arguments to try and get me killed to divert from your own deeds. Oh and how comes a normal villager knows so much about evisceration, that he can correct a learned doctor when he makes a mistake?

I can also offer you folks to fetch the tooth from my workplace if you really think I want to lure you there. Its your call.


Well-Known Member
Oh and Caiptan Storm, a Wendigo is known for his love of human flesh. If I was one, or anyone else around here we hadn't found anything but human bones this morning, but there was still flesh ... and a lot of blood. Oh and look in my eyes, they're not red like the ones of a wendigo would be.


[desc]The sun begins to get low in the sky, and it is clear to the villagers that night will soon be upon them. And without the townsquare's lamp, the pitch black will quickly close in on them. With this, they realise that they will have to come to some sort of decision tonight in regards to handling this heinous crime[/desc]

You have about 4 hours left of the day. This means day will end at 9pm BST. Please make sure you have voted before then, as one of the rules is "miss 2 votes in a row and you die"...


In Cryo Sleep
I personally am suspicious of Dr Agon. From his job he has probably learned a lot about how to hide deaths, and I fear that the village was lucky this night that the lightning hit the lamp and threw the town square into pitch darkness, not allowing him to complete his horrible deed and get rid of the evidence until this morning, when he took it in pure daylight.

Highly suspicious.


You're dark! and Odd! And..And...Like dead things! *Nods, scratching his chin through his beard*

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Of course Mr. Panda you talking about logic and then tell the people that I'll "lure" them to my crematory to single handedly kill the whole village? I think not!

The logic is plain for all to see, for once, that madman gombol is correct, you have become obsessed with death, you are morbid I say! Morbid to the extreme! Why, even you're very appearance is a pastey white, whilst you where garments covering you're face and a hood coloured black as the darkest night. Why, even now, they appear damp, damp as if you WERE OUTSIDE IN THE RAIN LAST NIGHT!

Oh and how comes a normal villager knows so much about evisceration, that he can correct a learned doctor when he makes a mistake?

For once, a sensible remark. I came to this town 15 years ago, seeking to live a quiet life as a crofter and herdsman after being pensioned out of the navy. I signed on young, and served as a rating in the war against those bloody Spanish, that ended with the Siege of Kinsale. I saw many men injured by lashing rigging, vicious splinters and cutlasses, I've witnessed many an evisceration, I'm sorry to say. It was enough to drive me to a quiet life up here in these hills.

Oh and Caiptan Storm, a Wendigo is known for his love of human flesh. If I was one, or anyone else around here we hadn't found anything but human bones this morning, but there was still flesh ... and a lot of blood. Oh and look in my eyes, they're not red like the ones of a wendigo would be.

You seem to be incredibly well informed about mysterious evil monsters...


'Ee 'aint not no doccer! 'Ees jus' a...wassjamacallit. Puts people into the ground!


Well-Known Member
Well Mister Panda, unlike you I tend to inform myself and read books instead of making ridiculous ( OOC: is that written correctly? I always mess that word up) accuses. And I'm also sorry to inform you that wearing black as an undertaker is a matter of tradition and furthermore you wouldn't want to be burried or have one of yer family members burried by a clown in pink would you?

Oh an Mr. Gombol, if I remember correctly two months ago you were very thankful when I helped you with you dislocated shoulder after you fell down the stairs.


Junior Administrator
Forester Traxata comes in from a long day in the woods, tending the trees and ferns, to overhear many of the townsfolk accusing each other of murder... As well as this strange talk of fictional creatures?!

"What the bloody hell is going on here you lot?! And where is that Traveller elDiablo, I've a score to settle with him about some of my lovelly Evergreens he used as a toilet!" he said a little upset about the whole ordeal.

"So much arguing, elDiablo, killed you say? This is bad news though I guess my poor trees won't be used as a privy anymore... So there be accusations flying around about who's done what? This is troublesome indeed!"

Traxata goes off to his foresters hut to contemplate what everyone has been shouting and accusing everyone else of today.


New Member
Dragon has always been a gentlemen when tending to any ailments may befall on any of my girls.

I have never much trusted Panda and feels he is too quick to accuse Dragon and sentence our only learned medicine man to death.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Dragon has always been a gentlemen when tending to any ailments may befall on any of my girls.

I have never much trusted Panda and feels he is too quick to accuse Dragon and sentence our only learned medicine man to death.

The reason you 'distrust' me is I've never once paid for the 'hospitality' offered by your poor girls, innocents, led into a life of corruption. Face it, it wouldn't put a dent in your coffers if I was to disappear would it?

Ask yourselves friends, what motive have I to wish el Diablo dead? All I suggest is that we act to protect our families before the killer Dr. Agon strikes again. By lynching him now, we may stay the hand of his vile accomplice, whoever thatperson may be, so our families will sleep safely at night!