TWG - Haven Heath


Junior Administrator
Panda has seen the error of his ways and listened to my warnings against accusing without evidence. thatbloke however keeps on going straight for the accusations. Yes Panda was wrong yesterday however he is I hope just a man. I see honest remorse in him today. No such remorse do I see in thatbloke who appears to just be moving on to his next target without thought.

Stay your tongue and your hand thatbloke and let us discuss this with a little civility.


Junior Administrator
I think you will find that I am in fact hiding nothing. Who was it, yesterday, before you all decided to turn into a raving mob, was trying to defend Dr. Agon?

That's right - me. Who seemed to be able to come up with the biggest case against an innocent man yesterday?

I also find it very coincidental that in the same night, after our undertaker is lynched by a raging mob of... of IDIOTS that one who has been looking over us and protecting us for so long is also suddenly taken away from us!

Now he suddenly has no words left to say and is trying to hide the very fact that he is even here. I therefore put it to you, villagers of Haven Heath, that Panda is in fact trying to destroy us from the inside and should therefore be expelled from this village by whatever means necessary.


Junior Administrator
I would agree that if today Panda was continuing his madness from yesterday that he must be stopped. I also agree that his actions yesterday were the actions of a desperate man. You stood up for our late Dr. Agon and for that you did well sir.

However to attack Panda in the same manner today is folly. We must learn from the mistakes that were made by those yesterday that jumped to conclusions. I beg you to hold fire and let us discuss this event.

Panda's actions yesterday were unforgivable however he was a desperate man looking for answers and let the situation overwhelm him. If he is guilty of these terrible crimes why would he cast the first stone by which to incriminate himself. THAT would be madness.

I believe that the evil in this town is taking a more subtle guise.


Junior Administrator
And here you are, defending a man who yesterday condemned a man to his death. If that doesn't make him guilty of murder I don't know what else does.

I would like to ask what motive YOU have for definding him, bob?


Junior Administrator
I'm not defending him as such. I'm merely saying let us wait and see what his actions are today now he has had time to reflect or the terrible atrocities of yesterday.

If he had come out once again screaming to the gods that he wanted you dead I'd sir he were a loon and must be stopped. I'm merely continuing my position from yesterday that haste in these times will lead to the death of us all.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
"Yeah, I definitely missed something."

He fishes in a pocket for a minute, pulling out some female underwear, and then some gold.

"Here." He passes them to Solemn, whilst listening in on the accusations being thrown around.

"Wait, you mean Dr Agon's gone too? Well... damn."


Junior Administrator
On a lighter note I have just received a shipment of wolf bait so if anyone fancies a bit of hunting them it's not just fish and criminals that are caught through my wares.


New Member
thatBloke is merely pointing how quickly Panda wished to rid the town of our beloveded Dragon.

two of our residents are dead, one by our own hands.. and elDiablo, well I didnt care to much for a man not settling his affairs.

In Gombol's dying breathe he pointed to a bloke... a man...

The first 'man' to comment on both deaths.. the first one to dare speak on either tradigy was Panda... and the first to falsely accuse innocent 'Argon of murder and then sentence him to death.

I think the evidence is clear as the sun bob.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
I fear I will be lynched before this day is out. Someone had to take action and mobilise the town to the threat at hand. I led the attack on Dr. Agon, yes it is true. I feared for my young family, and those fears led me to make a terrible mistake. A mistake so dreadful, I will have to live with it for the rest of my (likely short) life.

If I am lynched before the sun sets, I will go to my death solomnly, knowing that I truth, I deserve it, having caused the death of an innocent man, not because I am the cause of the murders. I will pray for your souls, as you will bear the curse I bear. Innocent blood on your hands.

Due to my grave mistake yesterday, I will not speak against any man today, unless strong evidence can convince me, or my vote is required to tip the balance. My logic yesterday was flawed, and as such, I can no longer find the faith in myself to trust it.

I will not speak against that bloke over there, or Madam Solemn, for if I was in their positions, I would be suspicious of one such as myself too.

All I shall ask, is that my family will be looked after. Captain Storm I know will do his best by them, as a fellow naval man, and might I ask you too bob, to watch over them? You seem to be a voice of reason in these trying times.

The sole word I will say in my defence, is that as a crofter and herdsman, I often rise early to tend to my affairs. Is it any wonder I have stumbled upon the consequences of the foulness that besets our village earlier than the rest of you?

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
"Huh. Have you been looking at my lyrics Panda? But seriously, Panda is making attempts to atone for the mistakes he made... obviously whilst I was unconscious... and whilst I think it wrong to even be awake at this time in the morning, nevermind hungover too, I guess... That bloke there... he accuses Panda, on the grounds of being quick to judge the good Doctor.. and yet here you stand throwing the very same accusations. Does that not also imply you too could be destroying the village from within?"

"... Ow. That hurt my head."

Ronin Storm

Staff member
"Conviction," the aged Captain Storm blurts from a darkened corner of the square, "Y'all be needin' more conviction! See, back in the navy, if ye had no conviction ye wouldn't survive on the high seas. Ye may be wrong, ye may be right, and sure as anythin' ye try to be more right than wrong. But, in the end, its conviction that carries ye through, fer better or fer worse."

He jabs a weathered finger at Panda, a one time sailor himself, "And ye, ye need to remember that! We be under the greatest threat this 'ere fine hamlet has ever known. Stick t'yer guns, man, stick t'yer guns!"

Lurching into the town centre more fully, he rounds on a particularly suspicious looking thatbloke, "But ye, sir, ye have me gut runnin' cold an' tight as if somethin' were terribly awry wi' ye. So, terrible it may be, but I be callin' ye out and demandin' ye speak as to yer innocence or I be callin' on the fine an' true people o' this village to burn thatbloke out fer bein' a demon!"


Staff member
Yer all missin the obvious. That bloody Wol character is the one we need to be suspicious of!


Junior Administrator
So maybe I'm being a little hasty in accusing Panda, but I am most certainly going to be keeping an eye on him. For now, at least, I will withdraw my vote against Mr Panda.

((I will post another by the end of the day))


Staff member
I ain't his accountant! Maybe ye should ask onea those crooks you "employ!"


Junior Administrator
So, we still need to decide who among us is causing all of these murders. People seem to be in a much quiter mood today...


Active Member
*staggers out of his hut with an empty bottle of whisky, his eyes red* Well, what's this about killings you're shouting about? I got a bit carried away with the still and the fumes knocked me out! *hic*

So, what's eating you all?

(Sorry I didn't vote or post yesterday the hotel that was supposed to have internet didn't. . . .)


New Member
*wanders over to Xarlaxas, Meg and Trisha both following her*

Well, well, sweetheart, its been a while.

*With Meg and Trisha now on either side of their favourite client*

Well, you see dear. We ave has some terrible misfortunes befall our town. After a dreadful storm the night before last D woke to find the traveler (and lousy tipper might i add) elDiablo dead in the town square.

To follow this we had Panda lead a lynch mob to which the death of our Dr 'Argon. Now, last night, it appears that this same misfortune as fallen on the old fool Gombol.

It's a sad sad situation we have ourselves in here.


Active Member
It certainly has been sweeties! I've been busy. . . experimenting!

*takes a swig from a flask in his other hand*

That certainly sounds mighty bad! We haven't had a lynch mob in our town for a good few years have we? Hopefully they'll remember I'm the one providing delicious liquor and won't do anything rash!

Have we got any idea who's really behind these dark happenings?