TWG - Haven Heath


Junior Administrator
So, having thought through today's events, I have decided that I am changing my vote to Captain Storm.

His constant drunkenness and blatant failure to see my earlier logic irks me somewhat, regardless of what I currently think. Perhaps his drunkenness is in fact a screen for something more sinister. As it seems that he is pointing the finger at me, I'm now going to point it right back.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
"Hm. I think thatbloke is to blame. He's caused quite a commotion with his finger pointing today... maybe trying to destabilise our community? Either way, I'm sure it'll be more peaceful without his chance guessings."

"Oh, and Solemn... how busy are your girls tonight?"

Ronin Storm

Staff member
"Ar, it comes to that, does it? Not so much defending 'is innocence as turning the guilt back on 'is accuser, I see! Well, so be it. Me drunkness is a sin, no doubt, but me conviction remains true despite, reinforced by such counter claims. Besides, I'd like me fellow villagers to bear witness that it was not I who cast aspersions hither and thither. Instead, I stuck to me guns. So I reaccuse you, thatbloke, seeing no other rightful path save this."

He turns to look at all those present, casting a careful eye over each and everyone as if his gaze might be sufficient to uncover the truth.

"Ye all might have yer thoughts on this and that, and that is just the way of things. Remember, though, that Wendigo's chief weapon is that of confusion. Confusion is the bane of the rightful man as he no longer knows which way to set 'is sail or when to rise or sleep. I ask ye all this simple thing: be straight and true and ye shall live. So sayin', I've done my all so cast ye votes and let's 'ave this done fer the day!"


Junior Administrator
Perhaps I have little proof to be able to show that I am not involved in these murders, but I also ask that you take a more objective look at the real reasons behind the Captain's accusations - there are none, other than the fact that "I look funny".

Regardless of that, it seems that maybe his scheming has won some of you over. Do what you will, but kill me and whatever chance we ALL had of surviving as a village will decrease rapidly.

I'll be in my shop.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Time grows short people! Something must be done, or another murder this night is sadly likely.

I spent much of the day perusing two things, my actions of yesterday, and the words of the late Dr. Agon. I spent hours searching the smouldering ruins of his house, in an attempt to cleanse my concience. Lo! I found the tooth I vilely accused him of planting yesterday upon the corpse of fair el Diablo. See how it appears much the same of that of a wolf, save larger, as if the wolf were almost the size of a man.

Something vile, and unnatural is afoot in our beautiful, and once peaceful hamlet.


In Cryo Sleep
Time does grow short indeed.

I have an appointment at somewhere* later on tonight, so shall cast my vote now.

There has been much finger pointing so far, and as Cap'n Storm very clearly stated, confusion is a very powerful weapon, and seems to be being used against us all. However thatbloke's strange change of heart makes me a bit dubious as to whether he's planning on reaccusing Mr Panda at a later date (or time).

I shall bid you all a good evening, and hope that we shall have removed the culprit.

* - Solemn - how good are your charges? ;-)


New Member
Why Drae, Young Trisha has no company for the evening, and she always does love your attention.

As for my vote, I still distrust Panda's motives at being the first to comment on the murder scenes and his quick to blame innocent Dr 'Agon. Also his previous insult on my house insinuating my girls to be untrust worthy... I am insulted and angred by this comment as there was a time you would take a "whore" to your bed

with that I will retire for the evening.

'vening Gents.

*blows a teasing kiss in Panda's direction*

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Also his previous insult on my house insinuating my girls to be untrust worthy... I am insulted and angred by this comment as there was a time you would take a "whore" to your bed
The Madam's baseless accusation.

My actual words:
The reason you 'distrust' me is I've never once paid for the 'hospitality' offered by your poor girls, innocents, led into a life of corruption. Face it, it wouldn't put a dent in your coffers if I was to disappear would it?

All can see I never once accused her girls of being unworthy of trust, and now she accuses me of patronising her establishment. A vile falsehood. I lament that they have been seduced into an easy life of sin, rather than raise a family and know love.

These misquotes and untrue allegations force my hand. I had intended to not accuse any person tonight, after my horrible mistake of last evening, but Solemn's lies, half-truths and unsubtantiated allegations have distubed me to the extent that I believe she is a divisive force, sowing distrust like a feckless lover sows bastard children. She is tearing our fair community apart, and must answer!


Junior Administrator
Traxata wakes up after apparently dozing off against the old Great Oak...

"Hmm, there are some viscous arguments going on between some people!" Shakes his head
"I think after today's activities, I think Gombol mentioning something about a "that bloke", and as only one person here has a name closely related to that, I feel the vote must be cast against Thatbloke!" Traxata starts shaking.
"If we are wrong in this condemnation, may we all be damned, but time is rapidly running out, if we don't find and stop these viscous murdering beasts we'll all be doomed! Something needs to be done, and fast, we're rapidly loosing people left right and centre, with peoples attitudes between each other... Things can only get worse."

"Remember people, if we survive this, we still have to live with each other afterwards!"

After Traxata's slight rant, he retires to the tavern for a stiff drink, fearful he made need more to calm him tomorrow....


Junior Administrator
I'm unsure on the trustworthiness of Wol. He is a little too quiet for my liking.

thatbloke's indecisiveness may make him seem untrustworthy however I think his change of heart was fitting and him using his head rather than his heart and going after Panda for doing the same thing.

I'm voting for Wol as I'm I don't like how quiet he has been so far.


[desc]Once again the mob gather. Once again the mob choose a victim. Once again the pitchforks (though after the night before, people have decided against the torches) are raised. And once again someone is going to die.

The yell of names from the crowd gets louder and louder, but one name in particular is heard above the others. Thatbloke starts to move away, but finds himself surrounded. The mob make it quick tonight, after the mass carnage of the previous lynching. Xarlaxas is the first to lunge at thatbloke, but trips awkwardly, and falls on his own pitchfork, stabbing himself through the eye while doing so. Thatbloke screams a single sentence, which the villagers only just manage to heard over their own screams.

The remaining villager's pitchforks skewer thatbloke from all directions almost simultaneously. Luckily for thatbloke, one enters his heart and he dies almost immediately. Unfortunately for the remaining villagers, several get jammed into joints and some tear major veins and organs. Blood begins to flow from the wounds instantly, and a great red pool begins to form around thatbloke. The few villagers that are trying to pull their pitchforks free let go before their shoes are coated in thatbloke's life fluids, and the handles proceed to prop him up in the townsquare, almost like a statue.

With no one willing to do anything about his body, the quickly increasing blood pool coming from thatbloke and Xarlaxas, combined with the quickly setting sun, everyone retires to their homes for the night.[/desc]

  • thatbloke the human is dead, and is allowed a dying breathe (which he can post immediately folling this post, or tomorrow. But only one post).
  • It is now night, no one should until morning.
  • Morning will start at 7am BST
  • Specials should PM me with their choices for the night:
    • Wolves - Scream (at me in a PM) the name of the person(s) you wish to attack and feed on, if you have not already done so. If you each send a different name, you (I) will choose one randomly.
    • Seer - Pray to the gods (in a PM) and ask for their guidance on one of your fellow villagers if you have not already done so.
    • There is no Guardian Angel left
  • Xarlaxas, the human, has missed 2 votes in a row, and has been killed. He gets no last breathe, I'm afraid.


Junior Administrator
I.... told.... you all.... that I was no BEAST!

I hope you all....... live..... to regret your actions......

Keep..... your eyes.......... on that drunken sailor............................



[desc]As morning comes, the villager is awoken by the scream of many girls. Everyone runs to the brothel where the noise is coming from. Most of the girls are standing outside. Upon entering the main hall it is obvious why. Bloody tracks lead from the back office to an open window. Bloody tracks that look like wolves. But they can't be, for they are at least 4 times too big.

The villagers follow the tracks to the back office and notice a large amount of blood coming from the room. Pushing the door wide open, they find Solemn's headless body sitting in her chair. Blood is everywhere, on the walls, on the ceiling, on the desk, and on Solemn's head, which is rest on the floor against a wall. It is obvious that something very strong must have done this.

Looking at what Solemn was doing, it is clear she was counting her earnings for the day. But there is also a short note on the desk, which is just readable through the blood.[/desc]

  • Solemn the human is dead.
  • She is allowed a dying... er... note.
  • It is now day.
  • Day will end at 9pm BST

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
How long will evil plague our fair town? We must be doomed if even those of us in the safest, most populous and bustling of locations are butchered in the night, with no noise made in the slightest.

I weep for the destruction of our community. Whether we root out this evil, or fail, I fear our township's bonds have been sundered forever.


New Member

I fear for my life, I fear that ..*BLOOD COVERED*... I have upset Panda with my accusation and know I will be next. ..*BLOOD COVERED*.. By the Gods... Its you Trish... Panda, ..*BLOOD COVERED*.. always wanted you. the Deaths are all *BLOOD COVERED*...

elDiablo, ..*BLOOD COVERED*.. last client,
Gombol, your father,
Dr 'Argon ..*BLOOD COVERED*..
..*BLOOD COVERED*.. Bloke, your courter...

If Panda finds out we are lovers... I fear for both or our ..*BLOOD COVERED*.. Please be safe.

Forever yours,



Junior Administrator
Traxata wakes up after many a stiff drink from the previous night's lynching.

His head hurts.

Wandering outside to hear all that incessant screaming that's just not helping his morning, he rubs his head.

"What's all this perpetual racket out here?!, can't a man drown his sorrows in peace..."

He follows the noise of screaming to stumble upon the whorehouse 'employees' being oh so loud...

"What the hell happened here?!" reading the note, his blood starts boiling, he shouts "Panda WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"