TWG - Haven Heath



It could be a trained huntsman *Nods and grins broadly, half his teeth missing*


In Cryo Sleep
you don't want to be ending up like that poor folk who's now in my oven, either.

hmmmmmmm >.> No, we dont.......

I'm suspicious of this "Gombol" character. I've heard on the wind that he doesn't like bacon. What sort of *human* doesn't like bacon eh.....

Thats right. NONE. Definitely something strange there.....


Well-Known Member
No, Mr. Gombol, no sane human being and especially not a trained assassin that operates with a little "style" to his profession would kill a man that brutal.

Either we've got a lunatic at work or something ... and I doubt that ... supernatural.


New Member
*walks out of her brothel with two of her girls followig close behind*

By the gods! what on earth is going on out here, to cause little Johnny to come barging into my brothel waking up all my girls just to get me to come to the town square?

and where is elDiablo, he left last night without paying his tab!


hmmmmmmm >.> No, we dont.......

I'm suspicious of this "Gombol" character. I've heard on the wind that he doesn't like bacon. What sort of *human* doesn't like bacon eh.....

Thats right. NONE. Definitely something strange there.....

I don't eat much meat anyway, Wolly Woo! *Nods*

No, Mr. Gombol, no sane human being and especially not a trained assassin that operates with a little "style" to his profession would kill a man that brutal.

Either we've got a lunatic at work or something ... and I doubt that ... supernatural.

Ha. Assassin, I can barely cut my own food let alone stab someone..


Staff member
So I been suspicious of this elDiablo chap since he arrived. I figure maybe he got somethin in his belongins that would cause this attack.

So I checked out his room at the inn, I did. And the lock was already broken when I got there, I swears. I checked it out and found nothin. Wallet was completely empty. Yep.

Now whens that eatery gonna open? I'll be eatin well tonight!


Well-Known Member
Listen to me you fool! I said it is NOT an assassin and the more you talk the more you sound like you are the one who did this!


Listen to me you fool! I said it is NOT an assassin and the more you talk the more you sound like you are the one who did this!

Think what you want, I just be an old man who's struggling to look after himself. *Nods, leaning onto his walking stick, as he brushes his beard and mustache from his nose* If you think I could do that, Then you've got a right eye problem young'un!


New Member
*as she approaches the scene of elDiablo demise Trisha, the youngest to join Solemn's establishment, cries out in horror. The grusome sight is too much for young Trish, as she runs off back to the safety of the brothel*

By the gods... w-what happened here?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Captain Storm (Navy, retired) stumbles in from the boathouse on the river, smelling of rum and fried chicken.

"What'll be all this bickerin' about? Is it me ancient ears, or did one of ye fellahs 'appen to say the word 'murder'?"

He looks about all serious and noting the arrival of Madam Solemn he quickly adds, "Or ladies, o'course. G'morning t'ye." A tip of his naval officer's cap, all polite and gentlemanly.

"I kin tell ye tales of murder that'd curdle yer blood in yer very veins! Tales of ghosties and ghoul-things and beasts that stalk the night long after they been laid t'rest. Aye, an' tales o' men an' beasts and the products of their disgusting fornicatin', beggin' the ladies' pardon."

He eyes all the men present with his best, albeit rather hungover, 'I know it was one of you' looks. "So which o'ye 'ave been layin' wi'the beasts, yer disgusting lot?"


Well-Known Member
Poor elDiablo was murderes or, to use a better term, slain by a lunatic. He was dragged here from his bed and then eviscerated brutally. I strongly suggest we find the one who did this and hang him this evening, although I've already got someone in mind who could be the one we're looking for.


*Laughs at the old man stumbling from the boathouse* Silly fool! Stop drinkin' so much! It be quite a bit there obvious It was one of 'em animals!

( And Dragon? How could you blame


For Murder?


Well-Known Member
Oh it's not to difficult to tear someones chest open if you've got a strong and sharp knive.

Oh, and Mr. Gombol, you didn't seem to be so old and cripply to me when you arrived here in quite an amazing speed.


New Member
*Covers her mouth in shock* elDiablo... you don't say..

... THAT BASTARD! the Heathen still owes me 10 gold pieces!


Speedy Arived? I live right there I does! *Points to the doorway behind him* Took me 10 mins to get down the stairs when I heard shouting! Stupid young people. Don't know anything these days..


In Cryo Sleep
Speedy Arived? I live right there I does! *Points to the doorway behind him* Took me 10 mins to get down the stairs when I heard shouting! Stupid young people. Don't know anything these days..

Hm. Someone protests their innocence too much /methinks.


Or i be just answering what people say to me...Silly boy. *Pokes with walking stick*


Well-Known Member
I agree with you there Mr. Wol. I strongly accuse Mr. Gombol to be guilty of this crime.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
"What we'll be needin' is a good keel to haul some laggard under!"

Captain Storm muses a moment.

"Though that'll be somewhat difficult in that there stream."

Further thought, mired in the rum-laced treacle that is the Captain's brain.

"Y'know, that there stream probably means that this isn't the foul doin' o' a vampire. I imagine that'll be some comfort to the lady folk o' this fine village. But I tell ye what it could be! It could be ravenous fish people, risin' up out o' the waters t' slay an' devour an' such. Damnable fish people!"