

Junior Administrator
not sure if i'm gonna get it or not, looks good though, saw it on a while back, does it have live coop/multiplayer if so, i'll probably get it


Super Moderator
Staff member
there is currently no multi-player for BioShock however there is a plan to add some in either an expansion or some downloadable content.

i'll make a proper post with all the links etc i have when i'm back home

Ronin Storm

Staff member
It's looking good. I've read a couple of developer's diaries for it and kept pace but not watched the recent trailers for it. I think this is one I might get for the 360...


Junior Administrator
new trailers look prety nice, shame there's no coop or live multiplay support though


In Cryo Sleep
I'll be getting it, but the problem is getting it for PC or 360...

If it gets co-op, I'll go for PC, but won't it look slightly more rubbish on the PC? Being a port and all...


Well-Known Member
I'm definately getting this! I've been reading about it and it sounds so good! 1950's + underwater = win!


Junior Administrator
not entirly convinced, i'm as yet undecided on this fact!

you're undecided on whether kb and mouse are greater than game controller.
Thats a no brainer kb and mouse win every time when it comes to shoot em ups. in fact most games except some racing games.


you're undecided on whether kb and mouse are greater than game controller.
Thats a no brainer kb and mouse win every time when it comes to shoot em ups. in fact most games except some racing games.

Gotta agree with the bob there. If you want to shoot someone in the middle of their forehead from 200m away, it's mouse all the way. If you're playing with auto-aim on (eg, console), then go for a slow tracking console controller without the precision ;)

PCGamer UK have a good article on just this this month. Go read! :)


Junior Administrator
who gives a shit about blu-ray and why the hell would you buy a ps3, consoles are for fun, serious gaming is done on PCs, If you have the money to buy an uber PC then you could just about justify wasting more of your too much money on a overpriced console but other than that its not worth it. saying that I don't particularly like consoles.


What you gona do Nanor lick my feet?
Its not over priced its underpriced aparently with the stuff it can do.
I wasnt tryin to sell one i was just SAYING... :D


Junior Administrator
i have one on my desk, unplugged because it's SHIT!

i have officially had enough of that pile of junk

i'm even tempted to throw it out the window my like my Ex-Ps2


Junior Administrator
For any of you XBOX type peoples...

Announced by XBOXic today

xboxic said:

Well, the moment we’ve all been anticipating has arrived: the Bioshock demo has arrived on the Xbox Live Marketplace. After weeks of speculation and rumors, 2K Games has let gamers loose in the captivating world of Rapture, preparing them for the full excursion at its release next week. Along with the demo arrives the Bioshock launch trailer, which will likely be shown on various large-scale communication mediums, such as your favorite television station. Hit the jump for more details on this exciting release!