

In Cryo Sleep
I'll pick it up in town at the weekend, most definitely for 360 based on Pia's independent assessment :) But theres no need for this

Piacular said:
Even at 1680x1050 with forced x4

bragging business :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I've played the 360 demo. I don't even need to look at the PC to decide that the 360 does it for me for Bioshock.


Junior Administrator
Decided to find out what the minimum specs for this on a PC are. Here is the post ripped from the 2K forums:

Operating Systems:
Windows XP (with Service Pack 2) or
Windows Vista

Minimum System Requirements:
CPU: Pentium 4 2.4GHz Single Core processor

System RAM: 1GB

Video Card: Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 128MB RAM (NVIDIA 6600 or better/ATI X1300 or better, excluding ATI X1550).

Sound Card: 100% direct X 9.0c compatible sound card

Hard disc space: 8GB free space

Recommended System Requirements:
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo processor

System RAM: 2GB

Video card:
DX9: Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 512MB RAM (NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GT or better)
DX10: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 or better

Sound Card: Sound Blaster® X-Fi™ series (Optimized for use with Creative Labs EAX ADVANCED HD 4.0 or EAX ADVANCED HD 5.0 compatible sound cards)

Important Note: Game requires Internet connection for activation

Note that last line.


In Cryo Sleep
Game. Got.

Love Play.

Off to try.


(You Steam pre-loaders, did you notice the countdown before they removed it? It hits zero at 8pm (Good ol' British time), Friday. Have fun waiting! :))


Junior Administrator
All the reviews not enough for you Bob? :D

never, Pia tends to have a good opinion on these things, so am going to see what he says. Reviews are rubbish. Some reviewers liked sup com and that was the worst game ever. So i wait and see what real life ppl think. And on the most part Pia plays good games, of course sometiems he slips up (like his dislike of 2142) but not everyone is perfect, I also have limited funds.


Staff member
Pia is going to say it's too easy cause you can't die.

And he's right.

Also, it doesn't do System Shock any justice, if that's why you're interested.


In Cryo Sleep
Got it this afternoon and first impressions:

1. The atmosphere is brilliant - you're forever looking around in case one of the Splicers suddenly appears out of nowhere. The lighting is very localised in places so you never know what's waiting

2. Gameplay, even on the lowest setting, is frantic. At one point you get set upon by five splicers....

Anyway, must get back to work....some more splicers to electrocute


Junior Administrator

*is getting a little pissed off with the control freakery applied to all software on windows these days*

I'm increasingly having to hack the shit out of games I pay good money for ... it better not require me to have the disk in the drive just to play either.

I personally think thats a fair idea from their part. If i wanted to make money from software i sure as hell wouldn't let ppl install it everywhere. And all you have to do in uninstall, not a big deal. worse case u have to phone them and go give me a thing to do the what so me call it.


I personally think thats a fair idea from their part. If i wanted to make money from software i sure as hell wouldn't let ppl install it everywhere. And all you have to do in uninstall, not a big deal. worse case u have to phone them and go give me a thing to do the what so me call it.

The only problem with that being that if you have a hard drive failure, you lose an install (effectively) as you HAVE to uninstall. Or if Windows gets corrupted (I know, that could NEVER happen) and causes the installer (and hence uninstaller) to get destroyed, you lose another install.

In my opinion, CD copy protection is a worthless pile of junk. It annoys legit users as they have to type in a 20+ character alphanumeric, which is (most of the time) printed badly, and means you have to have the CD in the computer while you are using it. What do pirates do? Oh yeah, they hack that out in a matter of days (if not hours) and can just install the game, and then throw away the ISO image. It's not a complete solution, pirates ALWAYS manage to copy games.

I'm not saying that companies should just give away their software as it's going to get pirated anyway, I'm saying that CD Keys and things like SecuROM/StarForce can be ignored while destroying regular user's computers due to conflicts.

There needs to be a new way of checking these things. If anything, I'm for the Steam activation model (note, model, not Steam itself all the time). Having an account that you buy games to (and can register CDs with) which then gets activated online is pretty good. I'm sure it can still be hacked, but having server side checks means that legit users (though needing an internet connection) can just install the game and let the program check it's real. Install the id Software SUPER PACK was easy as pie for me, and I liked it.

That said, I doubt CD keys are going away any time soon... And, unfortunately, nor are things like limited installs or StarForce.


Sorry... Limited installs bad! :(

Edit - And I realise you can call up SecuROM to sort out install problems and deactivate other installs, but why should I, when it's not my fault? :(


Staff member
2 installs is all you get before you have to phone them and go out of your way to be allowed to re-activate your game purchase.

Thats not enough, it causes inconvenience to someone like me who re-installs their system a lot. I don't pay good money to be inconvenienced. I am already boycotting EA as they decided in their wisdom that people who put their MyDocuments folder in anywhere other than the standard windows locations should not be able to play half their games (mine happens to be on another machine ... thats my choice) ... that causes me inconvenience hence I wont give them my money. I'm one person and fine that wont make a dent in their profit margin, but it makes a difference to me. The less user friendly games installs become the less games I will buy.

Thats my take on it.

*is already wishing he had known this before buying the fucker so he could have gotten the steam version instead*


Junior Administrator
Not wanting to turn this into a debate about piracy and such like, but companies need to stop assuming that EVERYONE is a fucking criminal and wants to copy their games a million and one times - I just want to play the damn game.

If I have a hard drive failure I will therefore be unable to uninstall first.

What people like elDiablo (who for some reason sees fit to format his HD and re-install everything every few months) do not want to see is a time where just to do this they have to spend as much time uninstalling as they do installling it. Also - what if, when you uninstall, you are for some reason disconnected from the internet? what then?


Junior Administrator
I personally rarely reinstall a game once its gone from my system, as in onec I've played it and had enough of it. My drives have never failed and a 2 minute uninstall procedure is not a big deal. I will never install a game more than twice tbh. since its release I've reinstalled 2142 once and that was when I reformatted. I can see where you guys are coming from but I am just not that bothered by it.

and also What people like elDiablo (who for some reason sees fit to format his HD and re-install everything every few months)

errrrr have you seen his desktop that thing hasn't been reformatted in a long time.

also whats wrong with alpha-numeric codes, i love em. nice and easy to memorise. :p or is that just me.