Panda with issues...
Well-Known Member
If you want to constantly fire rockets at people's feet, there are multiple games like quake and UT for that...
Not taking sides, and not a fan of the CG at all!!! I hate dying to a rocket in the face) but just so I understand the general prefference of people here
Sitting in a building and camping = OK
Shooting rocket at building to kill camping infintiry = OK
Personaly I just want to know so I dont break any rules =D
Not taking sides, and not a fan of the CG at all!!! I hate dying to a rocket in the face) but just so I understand the general prefference of people here
Sitting in a building and camping = OK
Shooting rocket at building to kill camping infintiry = not OK
Personaly I just want to know so I dont break any rules =D
Judging by your stats, was it you?as far as i'm aware, only one person has ever been kicked from the server by the mod enforcing the particular rule in question
Judging by your stats, was it you?![]()
*spams CG at the thread*
as far as i'm aware, only one person has ever been kicked from the server by the mod enforcing the particular rule in question
Magnum makes the shotgun kill in one shot.
And for those of you who managed to read this far, here is a little story.
So, im in the 2 storey house next to B on the A side on map oasis conquest, i have from that building alone with the sv98 sniper rifle and mp-443 got a k/d of 28/4(killing people at all 3 bases) and i was on a streak of 14 when one of my three nemisis, after storming the building and getting pistolled to death by me, at least 7 times between them, loaded up his RPG-7 enhanced explosives and sent a missile in through the window. This wasnt on our server, but if it was i would have kicked him.I consider that abuse. If it was with C4, mortar strike, 40mm nade, i would have let it go. But an RPG from a skilless spineless person, no sir not me, after the round ended i left. That kill did not require skill. (For reference and to inflate my head, i got over 20 headshot kills that round).
I don't see anything wrong with that. That's a legitimate use of a rocket propelled grenade. Denial/destruction of cover/hardpoints.
When people start firing them at people in the open and using them as close range weapons is when I have a problem.
And for those of you who managed to read this far, here is a little story.
So, im in the 2 storey house next to B on the A side on map oasis conquest, i have from that building alone with the sv98 sniper rifle and mp-443 got a k/d of 28/4(killing people at all 3 bases) and i was on a streak of 14 when one of my three nemisis, after storming the building and getting pistolled to death by me, at least 7 times between them, loaded up his RPG-7 enhanced explosives and sent a missile in through the window. This wasnt on our server, but if it was i would have kicked him.I consider that abuse. If it was with C4, mortar strike, 40mm nade, i would have let it go. But an RPG from a skilless spineless person, no sir not me, after the round ended i left. That kill did not require skill. (For reference and to inflate my head, i got over 20 headshot kills that round).
No (Go an explanation, but its insulting inteligence to say tbh.)
Agreed. Flushing people out of cover IS the valid use of RPGs/CGs IMO
I said i would have, NOT i have. There is a difference between punishing douchebags and punishing accidents and innocence. This is why the server doesnt kick ppl. In the situation where i kicked someone, i didnt just do it, i asked in chat what was going on, though there were no tanks so it wasnt hard to figure it out after the people responsible didnt respond and others did.I totally agree with Huung and Panda (shock horror!) that if you go as far as to punish people for using the games weapons as intended, and making use of it's destructible terrain - then why are we even playing BB:C2?
Yeah I'm against it being used in open field combat, but Using it to remove cover from the battlefiledfield is a perfectly valid use.
No, i was not bragging, no no no no no. I was giving perspective as to what could drive someone to do that. Ive not a problem being killed like that, its when they are too skilless to manage it with a gun while im streaking. I defended my fort lol as a the walls were crashing down around me. Yeah there were walls missing, but the rpg that killed me didnt remove them.One one hand you brag nobody could get close enough to you to kill you and if they did you pistol-killed them.
and sent a missile in through the window.
Also you'd "accept" mortar strike only because you know full well it's easy to avoid death from.
Spose i should have mentioned it came from an elevated position above me when the guy had line of sight to me, through a window, and hit me straight on. And i had already sniped him twice(at the same window).
There was no cover removed.... It was an rpg.
Huh? No, mortars are hard to avoid. Just ask bloke, they kill me all the time. Besides, mortars require skill, i still havent 100 kills with it..