The Werewolf Game (TWG)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Nay, say I. 'Tis not me! Have I not done everything in my power to clarify, expound and analyse our predicament for the sole purpose of unmasking these beasts that walk among us? Did I not take pains to clearly identify the participants, their votes, and assist with bringing the first of the wolves to swift and righteous justice? I did! Not to mention which that the loss of one's citizens is orthogonal to the purpose of a Mayor!

No, indeed, I stand firm in my conviction that the remaining wolf actually bears the guise of Citizen Sephiroth. It may indeed be that our noble Vicar Waterproofbob was speaking with the Gods to seek their guidance and the wolf, nefarious Sephiroth, ambushed him while in prayer to forestall his divine guidance from indefatigably pointing the finger of justice to smite down his heathen self.

Nay again, say I. Our strength brought us together once in victory but 'twas not enough to save our Vicar. We must stand strong once again against this darkness for, should our hearts remain true and our purpose pure, we shall win out before this day is done!

Stand with me, citizens of New Haven! Cast out the unclean, purge the rot in our midst and cleanse it in the holy fires of our Vicar's funeral pyre!


In Cryo Sleep
I put forth dear friends, that if im a werewolf why i voted against my "own" kind? granted myself and the late turtle weren't best of friends but there where no ill feelings between us!
What i see is a desperate man hiding behind a blanket of deception trying to blind your eyes from the truth, what this truth is i dont know... but perhaps mayor ronin does? And he fears this truth! Of that i'm certain.


In Cryo Sleep
Dear towns people, let us not accusing Sephiroth of being a werewolf, for they are malicious creatures and surely Mayor Ronin would have woken up dead if Sephiroth had the choice!

No, the remaining Evil One is elsewhere. For lack of a more convient subject, I choose to cast aspersions upon Citizen Tetsuo, is his lack or humanity not obvious?! He is one of the few that voted against dear Sephiroth, our lonely scribe (oh, if only he could write!). The choice is a clear one between Mayor Ronin, Citizen Behind You, and Citizen Tetsuo!


Well-Known Member
I am at woe! Bob! You can not leave us! I am in need of prayer! *sob*. Though.. why so quick to point the finger Tetsuo? You don't even appear to be mourning!


In Cryo Sleep
Bob was a drunk! What is a vicar doing in a hamlet with no church?! I don't recall anyone inviting him, least of all the mayor who is supposed to provide facilities for such an endeavour! But he's now dead, and though the loss of a human life is sad, I do not mourn his passing.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Perhaps if there were more people in our fair but woe-stricken hamlet then there would be funds sufficient to pay for such a holy building. Still, beggars can't be choosers.

And I'll be beggared, and worse, if I stand by and let such accusations go unchallenged! I state, here and now, that I had no hand in our Vicar's death, no matter whether his position here was one of sense or even purpose.

I do recall, quite clearly, that our Vicar would have chosen the nefarious Citizen Sephiroth if the obvious guilt and evil within Citizen Thatbloke's heart and mind had not forced his hand. Such accusations, coupled with our Vicar's divine guidance, must surely have brought about his doom. And if so, the villain is plain to see.

Who else would have chosen poor Farmboy Midgert as his first target? Who else would sup on the flesh of a holy man as his second?

I am steadfast in my reasoning and while not deaf to other possibilities, I urge you to realise the truth in my words. Citizen Sephiroth is clearly the ill that remains in our village of New Haven. We must act, my brothers, and swiftly!


In Cryo Sleep
The wisdom of mister piacular has spoken dear mayor, what reason do would i have for murdering Midgert whom i do not know? Moreover Vicar Bob only stated that i am mad, a nutcase like most of you know, this doesnt mean that i am the werewolf does it? Why chance in killing me, which the late Vicar didnt want when there is a real threat the werewolf.

I am with you all in wanting to destroy bobs evil murderer, but it was not i.
And why are you so quick to get rid of me? because i have stated you are a possible werewolf from the start? If you aren't then you would dismiss it as a mad mans rambling!


In Cryo Sleep
Well Mayor Ronin, I put to you that as the main protagonist against Sephiroth, and the original caster of suspicion upon him, you would be the most logical target for him as a werewolf! However as Bob was the target, and we are all aware that Sephiroth's mental capacity does not lend him to complicated thinking, I think it extremely unlikely to be a ruse on his part! Therefore, Sephiroth must be innocent.

This continued crusade against the weakest in our society is beneath you Mayor Ronin.


In Cryo Sleep
no really, please stop calling me dumb :( while it is in my defence, it is almost insulting
However i fear that you are right in saying i cant think of big complicated stuffs! like how to make cheese!


In Cryo Sleep
The Englisshhh flag is at half mast today in honour of my dearest (deadedest) customer Bob.

I'm afraid that i have been drinking heavily since finding out thiss *hic* morning and am finding it hard to...thnk...straight... But I'll be damnnn'd if I don't get to avenge my friend w'tthh...

*Loads another silver bullet (man these things are expensive)*

...this silver bullet...

Behind You have you nothing to say on this darkest of days? And Tetsuo why are you so aggressive towards our town Mayor. He has so far been a....*drifts and sways slighty*...temple offf *hic* stone in this feckkked up messS...

Behind You

In Cryo Sleep
Our humble Vicar, struck down in his prime... without his spiritual guidance our need to band together is greater than ever before.

*Makes a rather sad attempt at saying a prayer over bob's body*

These beasts must be stopped, and they must be stopped now.

Much as I would rather not admit it, for it places suspicion upon myself, Piacular's logic is sound. It seems most likely that one of those who would not lynch a wolf would, himself, be one. Given that, I put forth to you, I am no wolf. Everything I have done has been in the best interests of the village and its inhabitants. Having heard this, lynch me if you will, but know that if you do there'll be another bloodied corpse come sunrise.

However, I am not sure if I believe Sephiroth's innocence yet. Regardless of how his intellect seems now, it could very easily be an act. And should he be thinking with the cold mind of a wolf, wouldn't our poor Vicar make a target that we couldn't easily link to him? After all, a scribe would often have duties aiding a Vicar... 'tis a rather cynical view, but these are dark times, and men (Or half men) will do dark things.

Tetsuo was rather quick to pass judgment... and those that speak loudest often have the most to hide. But I don't see enough evidence of evil for a lynching. Yet.


In Cryo Sleep
us lonely scribes... (and according to pia im one that cant write? :S ) where taught how to write by the friendly monks and vicars bob was indeed the man who taught me everything i know, he was a friendly man and i would never kill him! yesterday i was quick to judge tetsuo and i am sorry, today you are quick to judge me mostly the mayor (town folk guh!) and this is alright for as you said we must purge the evil from our village and the fear created by this choas can often lead to harsh decisions.

We must speak more! and find the werewolf among us so that we can rid ourselfs of this plauge, i personally dont want to wake to see another disaster like this mornings.


In Cryo Sleep
Young farmer Nanor makes a very valid point! Citizen Piacular, you have treated our beloved pastor's death with naught but cold and predjudice! Hitherto, your morals have proven to be be resolute, but all this lack of emotion surrounding good friend bob's life (god rest his soul) is very unbecoming of those who would proclaim themselves human! I won't be too hasty to throw any accusations around, but you'll be under my watchful eye! As will you all! The only person around here I find trustworthy is thine own self! Get back there you! *prods the air with his pitchfork*

Now, let's approach this most terrifying of problems with an open mind! Yes, yes, indeed I was a little swift in my accusation of Mayor Ronin. My sight was clouded by the blinding screen of vengeance, but here I am now with a level head.

Let's see, obviously the remaining Wolf would have avoided petitioning his mangy cursed brother, thatbloke, for execution at all costs! As far as I am aware, the citizens who did not vote for thatbloke are as follows:

Mayor Ronin (Sephiroth)
Citizen behind You (Sephiroth)

and myself, but I swear to you, brothers, that I am of pure heart!

Now, thatbloke, the proven wolf, voted for Citizen Piacular. By the same token, wolfman thatbloke would never vote for his fellow beast - the veil of suspicion, at least from my part, has been lifted from Piacular.

In essentiality, the only remaining viable candidates are Mayor Ronin, Citizen Behind You and perhaps Citizen Sephiroth, who voted thatbloke solely for the purposes of self preservation! (no wolf would sacrifice themselves for their beast-kin!) I exclude myself from this list, as I know that I am not the traitor whom you seek! I hope sincerely that you, my fellow townsfolk, share the same view!

Now, upon discovering the horror that befell poor bob (god rest his soul *crosses himself several times*), my initial reaction was to blame good mayor Ronin. However, his (all too) convincing speech has dissuaded my view for the meantime.

Citizen Behind You has been all too quiet for my liking! Likely skulking in a corner, still sucking the meat from bob's (god rest his soul) internal organs!

Citizen Sephiroth has always been a suspicious character around town, messing around with devices nobody should ever feel the urge to tamper with! In that respect, I do not blame him for his efforts of self-preservation!

My conclusion: Burn the evil Behind You! Burn him until his corpse is charred black by the purifying might of flame and smoke!


In Cryo Sleep
now im going to go ahead and attempt to protect behind you... despite the fact he did try to kill me last time, perhaps the one who speaks the least is the seer? which in my opinion gives us 3 options, Nanor,Taffy or god forbid! Behind you.
While we can be almost certain that taffy isnt the werewolf we shouldnt rule him out he is in this village aswell you know!

Behind You

In Cryo Sleep
I have said my part to defend myself, and now put my faith in the judgment of these good folk. I am certain justice will be served.

Now Tetsuo, a lack of talking is hardly an indicator of being a foul wolf. Going by that indicator, wouldn't Mister Taffy be a far more likely candidate, having not said a single word?


In Cryo Sleep
His lack of communication is full well justified, considering that he is working day and night milling flour for our sustenance! I should know, I am his young Apprentice after all! I find it extremely disturbing that you should pin the blame on Miller Taffy, the cornerstone of our village for many a decade, when he has not spoken an ill word against any of us!

Trying to sow the seeds of guilt! Behind You! I ask you not to take another step in my direction *waves his pitchfork threateningly* I shall wait for the rest of our counsel to share their comments on the matter! If a convincing argument is presented, I shall stand down. Until then *motions with the 'fork*

Behind You

In Cryo Sleep
No need to get violent. I was not putting blame on our poor Miller, simply saying that your reasoning is a little weak, and of course, you know we can trust no one but ourselves. It would not do to overlook something and have it come back to slaughter us.

We shall wait for the rest of the village to speak, and then we will see if you would condemn an innocent to the gallows, or if we will refocus our attentions on the last of the fiends that plague our fair village.


In Cryo Sleep
I... I have made my decision for this day, and it rends my soul to make it.

Here we have two glorious colleges, Tetsuo Shima a tanner but no less likable for the smell, and Behind You a joyously playful chap. To choose between them is to choose between ale and wine! Both are entertaining and can cause merriment all evening! But alas, the choice must be made...

Based upon my recollections of Tetsuo's initial speech, he is guilty by association not once, but twice! Twice! Not only did he not vote for ThatBloke by voting against the innocent Sephiroth, but he also original agreed with the heinous ThatBloke and voted against the tirelessly working Farmer Nanor, who at this moment is still tilling the fields because of blessed Farm boy Midge's parting.

The vote I make my brothers, is for Tetsuo Shima. May God have mercy on his soul.


In Cryo Sleep
Then so be it! I pray (as I know that my dear friend bob [god rest his soul] prays for me) that the rest of our community do not commit the fatal mistake of sacrificing a loyal compatriot to the destruction of all! Hear me, Piacular, that I hold no grudge towards yourself, despite your panic-induced accusations, and I will only vote for the one that is proven without question to be of wolven-kind!

Behind You

In Cryo Sleep
As night draws ever closer, the time has come for me to make my vote. It is with a heavy heart that I must condemn Tetsuo Shima to death with so little evidence. I am not unwilling to change my vote should further information surface, but action must be taken if we are to survive.