The Werewolf Game (TWG)


In Cryo Sleep
That is a good point you make Sephiroth. I did consider Tetsuo above all others to be the werewolf, and whilst my evidence against Bambi was high, it was greater against poor Tetsuo. Upon reflection, Tetsuo's crimes where circumstantial, whilst Bambi's are obvious and grievous! The fact innocent Behind You was slain last night has lead me to believe with the utmost certainty that pHatBambi is the beast.

See how he is killing the people that accused innocent Sephiroth in a pathetic effort to make us believe it is Sephiroth after revenge?! And see how he first removed Bob, his greatest customer, the person with whom he would have spent the most time? It would make Bob the most likely to discover his secret when drinking late into the night!



Well-Known Member
Exactly Mister Piacular! Explain that to us! Was Tetsuo not a wolf? Oh, how you rallied all the townspeople to kill him! Now you sir, shall dine in hell!


In Cryo Sleep
Was Tetsuo not a wolf? No he was not.

Are we Gods? Are we infallible? Are you not responsible for your own actions?!

Do not place blame for his death squarely on me, we all have blood on our hands, Farmer Nanor.


In Cryo Sleep
i may have blood on my hands, Mister Piacular however the blood on my hands are Thatblokes and his alone mostly because my other votes didnt go through.
My previous comment was not to condem Piacular, Farmer Nanor i was merely trying to get all the information required to seek his innocence.

I will point out in Piaculars defence that behind you said that he would not change his mind no matter the information put infront of him about killing tetsuo and you nanor just randomly voted ;) Piacular was the only one who tried to justify killing tetsuo making it fair, you went with a gut instinct and behind you was intent to kill nothing more.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Excuse me for my tardiness on this day. The terrible events of yesterday evening have forced my hand in seeking outside assistance for it seems our logic failed us at the moment we needed it most.

Long and hard have I conversed with a wise woman from the vale far beyond our village. She agreed with me that the remaining wolf is cunning and deadly, far more so than I think we gave it credit.

There seemed to be only two possible explanations; one, that the wolf would stop at nothing to survive, even sacrificing its own brother to ensure its success and, two, that there is more than one wolf remaining and they are colluding to continue to confuse us.

The former seems to be the most plausible and, for our sakes, I sincerely hope is the case...

So, I have cast my mind back through all things said, both here in the square, and privately whispered to me as tried to eat my lunch and so forth.

Our wolf is cunning. He is toying with us, playing us like pawns. He speaks neither too much, nor too little. He directs us with his words, provides justifications that sound true but are, in fact, false. He is devious and sly.

I say that there are only two candidates for this person, the wolf: myself and Mister Piacular.

I will offer no defence for myself, for if I am the wolf then my words would be lies and should not be trusted.

Instead, hear what I have been told and what we have seen and draw your own conclusions as to Mister Piacular's nature, for if I am your true friend, and if I am right -- which I may not be, I admit -- then he is your enemy, the devil who has killed us and caused us to kill our dear friends.

It was the day in which Farmboy Midgert was found slain when Mister Piacular confided in me that someone had approached him and confessed they were sent visions from the gods: a seer, no less. My impression, perhaps incorrect, and tenuous, was that he came to me directly with this information. Again, my impression, albeit from what scant observation I could manage there and then, was that he could only be referring to Barman Bambi or Vicar Waterproofbob. Our Vicar turned up dead the following morning and my sense is that the gods have not been with us since that moment.

It is ever so tenuous, but picture this... our Vicar, a seer, approaches his assumed friend, Mister Piacular, and declares his supposed gift. The following morning, he is dead. Who else might he have told? No one, I suppose...?

I am not done with that one tenuous piece of evidence, circumstantial and hearsay at best. One more thing...

Notice how Mister Piacular has always lead the voting for the one who has been killed? Notice how he even lead the vote that lead to the demise of the wolf Thatbloke? He has directed our thinking, cajoled our choices, narrowed our minds to short options. Certainly, I applaud a citizen's strength of character to step forward and risk everything to unmask the demons amongst us, but what if this was no unmasking? What if it was all so arranged so that we assume Mister Piacular's innocence simply because he'd "obviously" not vote to slay his own wolf kin, nevermind lead that charge!

Could it be someone else? Surely as the sun will rise tomorrow for those who live out the night. Could it be Barman Bambi or Farmer Nanor as Mister Piacular suggests? Again, surely as fire burns and ice freezes. Could it even be me, pulling your strings and working to cajole you in one last desperate gambit to preserve our village? Indeed it could.

But the time is too early for last gambits, if one is the wolf. I say to you that the wolf would not risk himself yet, would seek to keep our attentions on tenuous threads, keep the options open, keep us guessing. We're guessing, certainly, and often randomly.

I say to you that should neither I, nor Mister Piacular, be the wolf then he is more devious than I can even imagine and, honestly, I am lost; at that, we might as well spin a bottle or draw straws to see who shall be lynched at sundown.

But if it is one of us, and the time is too early to make this "him or me", then I say to you it is Mister Piacular who is the wolf, not I.

There is little point in further words from me. I have said all I can, displayed every shred of reasoning I can bring to bear.

I say choose between him or me, no others. There is no evidence against them, just as there was no true evidence against Behind You or, it turns out, Brave Tetsuo.

Him or me. Him. Or me.

If you come for me, I will not resist. I shall follow Brave Tetsuo's example and pray for you all and hope, against all hope, that you find the last wolf before all is too late.

I vote Mister Piacular.

Let yourselves be heard.


In Cryo Sleep
sorry if im wrong Mister Piacular ronins facts make sense, while he has defended me (and insulting me at the sametime completely new concept) i got the pwitty picture on my DVD so no need to keep him talking xD so i vote for you bye bye *waves!*

shoe Piacular shoe


In Cryo Sleep
I heed your words mayor Ronin and your gambit has worked for me tonight.

I shall change my vote for Piacular. He is wild and dangerous as it is and I fear for all of our safety.

You have been a good friend but your turning against me on this day, has forced me cast my vote upon you.


In Cryo Sleep
I... I am shocked.

You would use lies to turn the villagers against me? I expected more from you... I guess you are just a politician after all.

Why vote against me brothers? I have lead you one step closer to salvation! My beliefs have been accurate fully one in two! Are not the chances favourable that I am correct again?!

How many times has Mayor Ronin lead New Haven to greater purity?! None! He did not vote for ThatBloke, and erroneously voted for Tetsuo!

I say to you a wolf is nought but a pack animal, and would not turn on his kin unless he had no other choice. Were I the wolf, why would I turn on ThatBloke if it would affect me the way Ronin proposes now? Lest you forget, Thatbloke voted against me! To ensure the survival of his kin, would he do that? I think not.


In Cryo Sleep
Ok I'm gonna go back with Ronin. On account of Pias attitude towards the offing of TB and the fact that he was calling for TB's head before anyone had made up their minds.

So Ronin it's you buddy.


Well-Known Member
I vote Bambi! He has acted very suspiciously.. he's been changing his votes lots.. I don't trust him!


In Cryo Sleep
the pwitty picture compells me again, all people who know of FF must be honoured! so i also change mine to Bambi

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I see that Mister Piacular has now fallen back on the thing I feared and expected he might: he claims innocence by virtue of having rousted one wolf from our midst.

All pack animals know this: the pack survives. Even if an individual falls, the pack survives. From wolves to deer, from whales to rabbits, loss of an individual leads not to the end of the pack.

For a demon, dining in hell might seem a pleasant afterlife, worthy of a visit if it ensures the pack survives. My belief -- yes, only that, a belief -- is that Citizen Thatbloke and Mister Piacular knew full well each other's nature and, in private, they plotted their pack's survival. Their gambit would appear to be to ensure that one of them appeared above all suspicion by damning the other.

And Mister Piacular has just called on that gambit, just declared that he is above suspicion because he lead to the downfall of a wolf.

But the pack survives. Through him.

Now is no time to spread our votes thin and lose our way. We must take clear, decisive action. Soldiers face this dilemma in the field of battle: kill, and face the everlasting consequences, or be killed. I ask, I entreat, nay I even demand that you make this vote him or me. See straight, see true, and know that if you choose him and not me that I forgive you; you went with your conviction, you fought to survive, as individuals.

Stand with me. Stay the path. Him or me, my friends. Him or me.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
True. And I was mistaken. It was self-preservation speaking. If you were the wolf, as I feared you were, then I would already be dead.

But I'm not, which to me says you are not the wolf.

For that, I apologise with all sincerity. Best get my apologies in now, for even if I don't die this sundown I doubt I will live through the night.


In Cryo Sleep
MUNCHIES!!!!!!!!!! no worries, like you said if i was werewolf you would have gone first xD + i bet i go if bambi isnt the werewolf so no worries there either :p


In Cryo Sleep
*Sits quietly and pours himself a LARGE drink*

You are sadly making a grave mistake.

I am changin my vote back to Piacular just because I can and it's ridiculous that I am so indecisive.

I have no plan nor seek vengange I only wish to destroy that which is evil.

Seph you have become Piaculars puppet and that worries me greatly. Only that which is cursed could hold so much sway over someone who's mind has gone or is it the devil that tortures your mind?

Nanor stand up against the onslaught of Piacular surely you can see that he is not what he appears.


With the villagers demanding a burning, pHatBambi is tidied to a large, erect log, on top of a pile of wood. Piacular steps up and pours the finest whiskeys and other spirits that pHatBambi's bar has to offer to help speed up the fire, which will hopefully purify the village.

Ronin_Storm bravely takes a lit torch and throws it to pHatBambi's feet. The flame ignite immediately and engulf pHatBambi. The screams are deafening, and as Piacular holds the pistol that contains a single silver bullet, the awful smell of burning flesh begins to fill the air. Large amounts of black smoke fill the air and cover the sky (again).

But wait... Werewolves, filled with such evil, would not burn from the fire of mere mortals... Which means pHatBambi was an innocent. The villagers rush to pour water on the fire, to save the barman. But it is too late, the charred remains of the ale seller are obviously dead.

The smoke stays over the town square, again, a warning from the gods...

It is now NIGHT. Day will start at 9am BST. This time will be when the Gods start to post. pHatBambi was a human, and is now dead.

Wolf - PM me who you wish to eat.
Seer - PM me who you wish to see.

Due to todays problems the gods will now post an "End of voting!" post each day, before posting the lynching. The gods will also give more concrete timings, as they have been far too vague recently, and that is not the villager's fault. The Gods are sorry for this. Please bear with us while we sort out the kinks.

Edit - Nanor's last vote was ignored due to being after I started posting this.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
elDiablo said:
Edit - Nanor's last vote was ignored due to being after I started posting this.

OOC: Not about to start a discussion on this but, as we have the information, maybe we could consider Nanor's last vote as arriving after the burning? Words of regret, perhaps? Whatever way, fine by me.