The Werewolf Game (TWG)


In Cryo Sleep
yes... very persausive there tetsuo... however! im at somewhat of a disadvantage, while i do hate tetsuos guts so so much i cant find a real reason to boot him, same goes for ronin (you all knew it) so im forced to go for behind you because Tetsuos magical speech before hand has swayed me.


Well-Known Member
I.. I.. don't know who? One wrong vote and an innocent citizen will lay dead. But on the other hand, I trust my instinct. Testuo Shima I don't trust you. I feel everything you say is a horrible lie. To death with you!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Yesterday, I entreated you to vote with your hearts and we struck true, smiting one of the demons amongst us. Yet today I'm concerned that fear rules our hearts. So today I ask that you vote with your heads; cold logic may yet win out!

Here are the facts, indisputable...

Farmboy Midgert was the first to be foully slain. His body was discovered by Farmer Nanor. Our deliberations brought our majority to suspect Citizen Thatbloke, who we righteously unmasked as a demon cur. Still one wolf remains amongst us, though. This morning, Vicar Waterproofbob was found at death's door by Citizen Tetsuo.

As this evening draws near, my memory grows sharper with the keen fear that we step poorly and fail to unmask the final devil.

Many accusations have been cast, this way and that. We can enumerate them all, for I have privately kept a note in my little book of each accusation lest the facts be lost in terrified confusion.

  • Mayor Ronin accused Piacular, Nanor and Sephiroth.
  • Mister Piacular accused Ronin, Thatbloke, Tetsuo and Behind You.
  • Miller Taffy accused no one.
  • Vicar Waterproofbob accused Piacular, Sephiroth and Thatbloke.
  • Farmer Nanor accused Thatbloke and Tetsuo.
  • Citizen Thatbloke accused Nanor and Piacular.
  • Barman Bambi accused Thatbloke.
  • Citizen Tetsuo accused Nanor, Sephiroth, Piacular, Ronin and Behind You.
  • Scribe Sephiroth accused Ronin, Tetsuo, Thatbloke and Behind You.
  • Citizen Behind You accused Sephiroth and Tetsuo.
  • Farmboy Midgert accused Waterproofbob and Piacular.

And some lines of support have been drawn, often overruling a prior accusation...

  • Mayor Ronin supported Nanor.
  • Mister Piacular supported Waterproofbob, Nanor and Ronin.
  • Miller Taffy supported no one.
  • Vicar Waterproofbob supported no one.
  • Farmer Nanor supported no one.
  • Citizen Thatbloke supported no one.
  • Barman Bambi supported no one.
  • Citizen Tetsuo supported Bambi, Ronin and Taffy.
  • Scribe Sephiroth supported Nanor, Piacular, Behind You and Taffy.
  • Citizen Behind You supported Piacular.
  • Farmboy Midgert supported no one (before his death).

This is complex indeed. I shall need to give this some more thought before my final deliberation... albeit only a few minutes more!

[edit]Correction, Tetsuo did speak in support of me.[/edit]


In Cryo Sleep
I have to say Tetsuo that you have been acting very guilty today. Defending yourself vehemently when nobody had really accused you.

Something just doesn't add up with you Tetsuo and I feel that I cannot trust you.

I believe that we will be needing this silver bullet tonight!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Continuing in my counting duties as long as I am able, I see the votes as cast being:

  1. Mayor Ronin Storm has yet to vote
  2. Mister Piacular votes Tetsuo
  3. Citizen Thatbloke has been righteously slain
  4. Farmer Nanor votes Tetsuo
  5. Citizen Behind You votes Tetsuo
  6. Citizen Tetsuo votes Behind You
  7. Barman pHatBambi votes Tetsuo
  8. Scribe Sephiroth votes Behind You
  9. Vicar Waterproofbob is woefully deceased
  10. Miller Taffy has not yet voted
  11. Farmboy Midgert is woefully deceased

By that count, I make 4 for Tetsuo, 2 for Behind You and 2 uncast votes.

What an awkward situation. If Miller Taffy does not come down to cast his vote then my vote will not count no matter what it may be. If Miller Taffy does come down and votes Behind You, then if I agree with him we have a tie... and that cannot serve us. Do we flip a coin? Such randomness in justice is to be abhorred.

But if I vote Tetsuo then the die is cast and our choice is made.

It strikes me that Scribe Sephiroth's accusations have been as random as his support. This could be an act of deliberate confusion on the part of a demon wolf, or mere insanity as might be more commonly his ailment.

But it strikes me that Tetsuo's accusations have been wide-ranging and vehement, each one. More confusion sown at his hand, I feel, than any other.

With the best of my analytical reasoning, I vote Citizen Tetsuo. I pray to God that we are right.


As the sun begins it's slow dance from which it will release the sky from it's light and wisdom, the village of New Haven is awash with fear. Fear for the lives of the innocent villagers who call New Haven their home. Though this fear plagues the villagers not like the hangover of a drunken vicar, but more like the evil that plagues the body of one of the villagers; an evil that is so powerful it transforms this person to a stalker of the night.

The villagers have voted, and decided that Tetsuo_Shima is not all he appears. Tetsuo_Shima seems calm in the face of being strung up to the gallows; he puts up little to no resistance, but instead prays to the Gods. Though he does not pray for himself, more so for the souls of those around him.

As Tetsuo_Shima waits for the stall to be kicked from under him, the black clouds once again roll in over the mountains, covering all but the slightest amount of sunlight. pHatBambi once again takes out his pistol with a loaded silver bullet, but with a slightly shaking hand due to the amount of ale consumed as a memorial to his vicar.

The chair is kicked from under Tetsuo_Shima and once again a villager of New Haven falls a short few inches...

... before the fatal *snap* of the neck echoes around the town square. Everyone watches the now lifeless body that is swinging within the town square. pHatBambi lowers his pistol, realising that he does not need it today. The black clouds loom overhead, as though the gods themselves have blocked the sky as punishment for killing an innocent. The villagers slowly walk back to them homes, to try and forget the affects of their own mob-mentality fuelled rage. There is still a wolf out there intent on feasting upon all the villagers.

Tetsuo_Shima is dead and was human. An innocent has been killed. Villagers, you should go to your homes, and pray for forgiveness. You can do no more now.

It is now NIGHT. Day will begin around 9am BST, it's a Sunday, a day of rest for the Gods, so bog off.

Seer: PM me the name of the villager who you wish to pass judgement on.
Wolf: PM me the name of the villager who you wish to feast upon.


Sephiroth walks out of his house with an uneasy feeling - something is wrong with the air this morning. The damning black clouds have mostly parted this morning, but something is still out of place. The sun seems to be unusually low for this time in the morning, as though the day was late to start.

Sephiroth looks across the town square to see Behind_You's door open and him lying on the doorstep. Walking over to him, Sephiroth notices that Behind_You's legs have been torn from his body and only stumps remain. Sephiroth starts to run over, yelling for the other villagers to awaken.

Approaching the latest victim of the wolves, the villagers notice that Behind_You is barely alive, and that the legs were not torn from his body, but shredded from him; bits of muscle and bone remain over the floor in the centre of Behind_You's house, and does most of the poor villager's blood.

Behind_You the human is dead and is allowed a dying breathe.

It is now day discuss what has happened, and vote for who to lynch by the end of the day (10pm BST or possibly later. The Gods are moving back to Southampton this evening and will need to unpack their computer when they get there) within the topic. Whoever is lynched will be killed, either by hanging or the silver bullet, so be careful about who you choose. PMs have been sent to those who need them.

EDITED - The gods forgot to say what Behind_You was...


In Cryo Sleep
Oh horrid day!


Alas poor Behind You, you did not deserve to die! And look, look at his precious body! He is no wolf! Tetsuo and he died for nothing and we are to blame! Oh, woe is me!

*turning to face the remaining villagers*

I... but it makes no sense. Sephiroth is too dim and Mayor Ronin above reproach, this means that the monster voted against his partner! This is unhappy news my friends, he is a devious beast indeed. It leaves us with only 2 possibilities, the honourable Farmer Nanor and the killer Barman Bambi.

I believe Nanor to be the least likely subject of the two, for he was against ThatBloke from the start! Barman Bambi on the other hand took his time before voting, waiting to see if the inevitable could be avoided and yet sustain his cover. What better guise to conceal himself in than the werewolf death dealer!


*cradles the dieing body of innocent Behind You*

Behind You, speak softly my friend. We will all see you again soon.



In Cryo Sleep
heh that end part should have been me, stealing my thunder Piacular!
While i do not feel guilt for Tetsuo's death, for i did not vote for him i am dreadfully embarrased that i got my vote wrong anyway, i am sorry Behind you for thinking you where a fiend!

We shall avenge you both *kneels near to behind you and puts some water next to him* however first we must honour your death.


Well-Known Member
Piacular does speak truth, but I believe Citizen Sephiroth has something very suspicious about him!


In Cryo Sleep
me? what have i done that deserves that? all i said was i dont need to feel guilty about tetsuos murder... which is true because i supported him a villager

Behind You

In Cryo Sleep
Ugh... be sure... you don't overlook... *coughs up a large glob of blood* anyone, for any reason... suspicion can save us, yet also damn us...


In Cryo Sleep
what does the mayor have to say on this dohickie, having a nap? or counting your shinnies (i know i would be)


In Cryo Sleep
Oh, well after that little gem...

*stands up wiping hands on the dead body*

So, for me it's like I said, Bambi or Nanor.

I say pHatBambi is the guilty one, he also acted mighty strange when I confronted him about it... just kind of liked his lips...

So. pHatBambi for the lynch.


In Cryo Sleep
Oh I see you seek to discredit me do you Piacular.

Well if our conversations held any truth to them and I were truley the wolf. It would have been wiser for me to have destroyed you last night.

Since I have no inclination to do such a thing I shall leave you to your accusations for today.

Unfortuately Behind You's death has made me suspicious of Ronins behaviour. The fact that he has not been seen all day does not help his cause...


In Cryo Sleep
That is the cunning side of the argument you see, for whilst I secretly considered that you were a werewolf I displayed none of it to you! Therefore you had no reason to suspect that I knew the truth, and thus eliminate me! Muhahaha!

You are not so smart Mr Wolf, as to fool the entire village. And tonight, you dine in hell!


In Cryo Sleep
we haven't seen taffy through this entire event, doesn't mean he's a werewolf, believe it or not, mayors do have to take care of the villages he must be doing paper work or some such, somewhat like my being at school tommorow (bob hadn't finished my education so i must go elsewhere...)

And yes i am defending ronin... despite the fact i've tried to get rid of him on a few occassion. We shall have to listening to his reasoning before the day is up!
and this conversation you speak of, when did it take place you really shouldn't speak in private about village matters who knows what you have said?


In Cryo Sleep
Mister Piacular! are you suggesting that whilst you voted to kill innocent tetsuo, you had a hunch that someone else was the werewolf and not him?! explain yourself at once!